1952 Instructional Pamphlet for No.4 Mk1(T) sniper rifle
c/w No.32 Mk3 scope.
Note: After you click on images to ENLARGE them, you may find they automatically size smaller in your browser's window making them harder to view. The auto sizing is your browser's way of keeping images entirely within the screen size you have set. Move your mouse pointer to the bottom centre of the pic and you will see an options panel appear. There will be a small square box next to the large X, which will have a pointer arrow sticking out of it. If it's illuminated, it means the pic you're viewing can be enlarged, so click on this box and the pic will EXPAND and open to its normal size.
(Click PIC to Enlarge)
(Click PIC to Enlarge)
(Click PIC to Enlarge)

(Click PIC to Enlarge)
c/w No.32 Mk3 scope.
Note: After you click on images to ENLARGE them, you may find they automatically size smaller in your browser's window making them harder to view. The auto sizing is your browser's way of keeping images entirely within the screen size you have set. Move your mouse pointer to the bottom centre of the pic and you will see an options panel appear. There will be a small square box next to the large X, which will have a pointer arrow sticking out of it. If it's illuminated, it means the pic you're viewing can be enlarged, so click on this box and the pic will EXPAND and open to its normal size.

(Click PIC to Enlarge)
Extracted from "Small Arms and Ground Defence Weapons (A.P.1641P, Vol. 1, Sect 1). Note: The scope referred to in this manual is the later No.32 Mk3 version.
Collector's Comments and Feedback:
1. Note: After you click on images to ENLARGE them, you may find they automatically size smaller in your browser's window making them harder to view. The auto sizing is your browser's way of keeping images entirely within the screen size you have set. Move your mouse pointer to the bottom centre of the pic and you will see an options panel appear. There will be a small square box next to the large X, which will have a pointer arrow sticking out of it. If it's illuminated, it means the pic you're viewing can be enlarged, so click on this box and the pic will EXPAND and open to its normal size. ........ (Feedback by "Badger")