Forum listing of member ads looking to sell, buy or trade for specific military surplus firearms and accessories.
We understand you may be impatient to get on with placing your advertisement, but we would ask that you please read this post carefully, in order to...
Got lucky with my last post, so I thought I would try again... Looking for a set of handguards for a No1 Mk III Lee Enfield. Prefer non-DP, no...
Hello. I have a new Colt Commando 38 special with 4" barrel for sale. Mfg between 1943-45. Parkerized finish. Military issue with flaming bomb. It...
Excellent condition bayonet and scabbard. $400 or make me an offer. Can send pics to those interested. Thanks.
I know this is an odd request but I'm looking for tracks for the m4e8 tank. I'm helping with a restoration project and we need some. If anyone has...
Dated 1917 on the stock. Good working order in as issued condition. Very accurate. Case hardening still on the bolt $1950 plus shipping.Willing to...
FOUND!! Lee Enfield No4 MkI* Savage marked Front Sight Guard any condition. Thanks. Thanks, Brian!
Well, I know a lot of people have a few things to say about the price on these books, but I guess it is what the market will bear. I will at least...
Hi everyone, I recently acquired a charger loading lee metford Mk. 2 and require a buttstock marked to Enfield for it. I know this is rather like...
Original WW I Trench Knife by L.F.&C This Original Trench knife measures 14" overall with a 9" straight, angular blade. The blade retains 93-95%...
Looking for 1891 Arg. carbine stock nose cap. They have the sight protector ears and are held on with 1 screw thru the front below the barrel. Screw...
Not patient enough to wait for it to come back in stock. Looking for this lookalike m1...
Looking for an original M3 or M3A1 grease gun barrel. Might consider reproduction. Anyone have one or can recommend a dealer? Thanks.
Hi I have an 1896 Long Lee fitted with a BSA #9 aperture sight. Somewhere during it's lifetime someone misplaced the eye piece. I would like to try...
If you have one, I will pay top dollar.
Still looking. Any leads are appreciated. Any condition would be fine.
I'm looking for a shot out, rusty bore, or demil'd Enfield No. 4 barrel. The barrel will be used to replace the bayonet lugs that were ground from an...
For Sale: Master Lock brand keyed-alike trigger locks. All in like-new condition. Works for both handguns and long guns. 1-5 locks: $15 each...
Alexander arms 6.5 grendel ar-15 upper new unfired 24” barrel $400.00 uses ar-15 lower or 601-341-8797
Two blue BREN length slings. $25 delivered for the pair of BREN slings. Two No1 MkIII upper handguards and a lower handguard WITHOUT ears....
I need a broken/ruptured case extractor for my no 4 mk 2. In South africa please.
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