Non-Issue Camillus MIL-Ks?
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I'm new to this forum,but I've been collecting knives (including MIL-K 818's) for a long time,and although this is an old thread,here's my 2 cents: All of the USN,USAF and USMC MIL-Ks made by Camillus were non-issue, commercial offerings.
I'm also trying to collect one knife for each year I was in Vietnam/Thailand/Laos (71,72,73). Not sure we're talking about the same knives here, but IIRC, what I want are the stainless steel Camillus 4-blades with U.S. stamped on one side. These were issue knives, one packed inside every seat-back parachute. When I went through combat aircrew survival school and we parted out surplus chutes for field survival items, the 4-blade knives were always highly sought after, since you could keep one if you found it. I have several but not the right years, ...yet.