No 4 Mk1 T Transit box Reproductions/Canadian Version
For some time now I have been busy researching and finally building reproduction sniper rifle transit boxes. So far I have seen quite a few different variations of these boxes both in person and over the internet.The box dimensions are pretty cut and dried, but have seen a mulitude of interior colours, stencilling on the fronts, backs and lids, different carrying handles and so on.
I thought it might be a good idea to start a thread regarding these boxes and ask for some input, history and possibly more pictures of original boxes other than the ones already posted. I think to narrow it down, I wonder if we could just start with the Canadian version of the boxes? To start anyone can view the excellent 160 page photo essay on the No 4 mk1 T sniper rifle by Badger.
Few question maybe someone may be able to answer are as follows:
1- Was there a standard colour used on the interior of the Canadian version and is it varnish, paint or some kind of stain? I understand that paint was called "scamic" (thanks for that Peter L)
2- What was the proper colour of the felt that was used to protect the rifle in the keepers, and on the lid? I have seen yellow, dark blue and grey felt.
3- Was there a standard Canadian military stencil to indicate the boxes' contents? I have seen so many different stencils it's hard to figure out what is really original anymore and would like to know more about the history of some of this stencilling and where it originated.
Hoping you guys can add some insight and hopefully some pictures. Thanks