Did you happen to get a time-frame for that national service?
Type: Posts; User: Surpmil; Excluded Forums: Milsurp Knowledge Libraries (READ ONLY)
Did you happen to get a time-frame for that national service?
What's inside the brass and steel unit? Looks like it might have been modified however.
Rightly or wrongly many snipers seem to have disliked removing the scope from the rifle once zeroed; witness for example the well known photo from Italy of a No.4(T) with the backsight removed so...
Could be dated to some extent from the introduction of that particular gas mask?
Double reduction and I'd say it's a shear about to cut the forged receiver off the "sprue" in his tongs. The loop on the left side of the die, let's call it, is to keep the receiver from flipping...
Well done! I believe you have there the tripod for one of the scopes sent over for UK perusal during the war. Hopefully the scope and case are out there somewhere. You asked the seller if he had...
I used the term "knob" only because there is no alternative which can describe all the possible permutations of a bolt handle's end, but in this case it appears the bolt handle is a plain rod with a...
And of course the case is often is not fully enclosed in the chamber when ignition occurs; the amount of unsupported case wall at the base in such instances is more like the final position shown in...
Which is pretty much another way of saying "Mauser" given the royalties paid to them for the design?
But as we know, most rifle designs can be made to shoot very well with the right QC in...
Yes, that's the one Peter. I see all this is of course easily found online these days, thanks to AI search engines. ;)
THE BRITISH ARMY IN ITALY 1944 | Imperial War Museums Agreed Roger, it...
303 Collector I would think you have a genuine BSA scope & rings there which has been grafted onto a SMLE, whether someone "making do" in the past or as an attempt to pass it off as a WWI sniper...
A bolt with no knob; that's a first! And the sling loop on the guard as well.
The mounts are certainly an advance on what was the current at the time, but the funny thing is there is no way of...
That photo is in a book about the Italian campaign which Peter pointed out to me sometime in the late 1980s or early 90s. The photographer's name I forget, but I contacted the IWM about the photo...
Yes, you've hit on what I was about to add to my previous post: did the deformation occur when there was no jamming due to soft or oversize ammo, bolts being kicked open etc.? It seems not as the...
I've wondered how much this was a problem of soft boltheads and how much a problem caused by the small contact area of the first model bolt stop with the tip of the rearmost interrupted thread on...
It would be an interesting exercise to run some samples through an x-ray spectrometer and see exactly what was used.
I have noticed different stripped receivers have a different ring, but is it...
Just to clarify slightly Togor, if that's needed: the reason bolt heads can be found with such widely varying or inconsistent measurements relative to their marked lengths is mostly due to previous...
Randy A, any good quality enamel applied over good quality parkerizing with substantial and even crystalline deposits will bond very well. The parkerizing has to be 100% free of all dirt and...
I wouldn't worry about it unless the bolthead you have looks sub-standard or compromised in some way. And if it does there are plenty of NOS ones out there you could replace it with if you have HS...
Had several years ago and IIRC all that had the unique knurling pattern shown in your second photo also had the distinctive lead-filled markings. All were in the 6000-7000 SN range I believe.
How would a new bolt head improve over what you have now?
As for the question of the threads "taking a beating" I'd suggest that the distribution of load over a dozen or more threads is far...
Practices may well have changed during the lifecycle of the weapon. Parts, especially if made by outside contractors, may have had whatever finish they were capable of applying rather than the...
Send it to Brian Dick at BDLtd. in NC if you want the pad put back properly and the muzzle restored.
I'd also suggest you post the numbers on your scope, bracket (mount), and the wrist of the...
"Cone" might be another possibility.
And the infantry probably also liked the larger capacity of the Lewis drum magazines?
Speaking of which, was the upward protruding Bren mag ever considered a liability from a concealment point...