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Originally Posted by
Brandon, sounds like you are making good headway on what you have with the R-10.
The barrel on the the 1905 however, does not strike me as being a factory original R barrel. It is most likely a military barrel repurposed to this rifle.
It does not have The R and the .303 Ross markings found on all factory R rifles.
Honing out the front sight is a fairly strait forward task, as is the well done muzzle work. It was done to nearly every sporterized MK III Ross that came out of
England after WW II.
If you ever remove the rear sight, it would not surprise me if there was evidence of another sight there.
I may have to have a look there. The bluing also matches the wear and Color of the barrel perfectly, below the wood line it’s as new. It shoots quite well, cases show no evidence of an enlarged chamber, it looks identical to the other 05-Rs I’ve shot. Whatever its lineage is, I like it. Ha ha.
05-16-2024 12:33 AM
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