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Thread: How's this then

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    Contributing Member CINDERS's Avatar
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    How's this then

    The new F/A Regulations are out but only come into effect after the March election here so here is hoping they get ousted and then get repealed and gone through correctly.Basically they rammed through 492 changes and only debated 7 of the changes and so on.

    But here are some real doozy's ~

    If you have a collectible firearm licence with a collectible firearm you may not posses ammunition or collectible ammunition in the same caliber.

    If you have a firearm on your licence and you have an ammunition collectors licence then you may not possess any collectible ammunition of the same caliber as the rifle uses.

    This is what the Arms & Armour Society are saying these new Reg's say, plus exorbitant fee's for a hunting license even land owners have to get a license to shoot on their own property.
    They are going to cripple us if this mob get back in pray for us fella's.........!

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    A Collector's View - The SMLE Short Magazine Lee Enfield 1903-1989. It is 300 8.5x11 inch pages with 1,000+ photo’s, most in color, and each book is serial-numbered.  Covering the SMLE from 1903 to the end of production in India in 1989 it looks at how each model differs and manufacturer differences from a collecting point of view along with the major accessories that could be attached to the rifle. For the record this is not a moneymaker, I hope just to break even, eventually, at $80/book plus shipping.  In the USA shipping is $5.00 for media mail.  I will accept PayPal, Zelle, MO and good old checks (and cash if you want to stop by for a tour!).  CLICK BANNER to send me a PM for International pricing and shipping. Manufacturer of various vintage rifle scopes for the 1903 such as our M73G4 (reproduction of the Weaver 330C) and Malcolm 8X Gen II (Unertl reproduction). Several of our scopes are used in the CMP Vintage Sniper competition on top of 1903 rifles. Brian Dick ... BDL Ltd. - Specializing in British and Commonwealth weapons Specializing in premium ammunition and reloading components. Your source for the finest in High Power Competition Gear. Here at T-bones Shipwrighting we specialise in vintage service rifle: re-barrelling, bedding, repairs, modifications and accurizing. We also provide importation services for firearms, parts and weapons, for both private or commercial businesses.

  4. #2
    Contributing Member Sapper740's Avatar
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    Dang Cinders, those proposed new regulations are beyond stupid. Pretty soon they'll be wanting to ban "fully semi-automatic double-barreled assault 40 magazine extended clips" there too like they want to ban here.

    The Captain Double Barrel Magazine Extended Clips

    All levity aside, the most profoundly ignorant of firearms legislators seem keenly interested in destroying shooting sports and firearm collecting. Why? What's the impetus behind this Cinders? Someone rob a bank with a Kropatschek Gendarmerie Repetier-Karabiner M1881 in 11 mm?

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    Contributing Member CINDERS's Avatar
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    No there is a fair bit to it but the real crunch came with a DV (Domestic Violence) shooting where 2 innocent women lost there lives as the estranged husband could not find his wife there so shot her best friend & daughter. RIP

    The daughter had contacted the Western Australianicon Police Force (WAPOL) on 5 separate occasions saying there was a h/gun missing from the collection and she feared that her father was going to kill her mother.
    After the shooting WAPOL did an investigation into the phone calls and the concerns of the daughter after their internal investigation WAPOL they found they acted accordingly, well they did not as 2 innocent ppl lost their lives due to WAPOL's ineptness.
    So this was the catylyst to ram through all this junket we have now hopefully if we can oust Labor then the Nationals have stated they will have the new laws scrapped if they get in but we will see I guess.

    Further stuff I have been told was the h/gun used was the wife's so why did he have access to it, it was a Glock, it was on a collectors license, please tell me how a Glock is collectible, allot of senior police used to go to the perps property to shoot !!!!!!!!!!
    There is some pretty fishy business going on where the police put on the big screen on 7 News where every licensed firearm was in Perth so savvy crims all they had to do was snag the picture and they had an instant shopping list right down to the street & house No.
    So there is plenty more to this which apart from this hand gun thing started with an unsanctioned 50 cal rifle shooting at a hard target on a range not gazetted for that caliber rifle, wrong fall out template, lack of sentries, illegal to shoot at hard targets on our ranges, disrupted air traffic from Pearce airbase AFAIK, and hoodwinked the public by false media scare tactics.
    And that is only the very tip of a rotten iceberg we have here............as I have said it has made a mockery of every Australian service person serving/served/KIA/WIA over the years so we could have free will/speech.
    Nope communism by this state govt.
    Last edited by CINDERS; 01-11-2025 at 10:30 AM.

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    Contributing Member Low & Slow's Avatar
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    Opening day of the Colorado state legislative session they introduced a splendid bill that will no doubt halt Venezuelan Gangs from taking over apartment buildings. It's a real daisy.

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  11. #5
    Contributing Member CINDERS's Avatar
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    I love my country and especially Western Australiaicon (Born here) we have so much land and one of the best mean temperate climates in the world in the southwest where my wife and I live.
    But the last 8 years has seen lies and misinformation as well as narssasistic politicians in power erode the basic principles of life so hard one over the decades, I honestly feel that politicians should work for the ppl as that's who puts them there.
    Sadly allot get swelled heads and self importance and forget who employs them (We do) and what they are there for (Us) sadly the TV cameras come out and they all flustre & pout how good they are doing all the while our crime rates crap, homelessness is rampant, hospital ramping is through the roof, the medical systems shot, police are leaving the force in droves being disillusioned with the hierarchy.

    Even though 90% of my family & relations are buried here if we could afford it we would leave and find a place where the govt understands it's duty to the constituents with what they can do for us not the other way around.
    We operate AFAIK with the westminster system of Govt and to receive a parliamentary pension for life you only have to do 2 terms with no age restraint or means test it is at this point in time equivalent to a backbenchers salary of $160K/Aud/year.
    I did 41 years in construction all over our state doing untold hours missed allot (Like others here) of my sons early life only to be told because my wife has worked at a Govt dept for 30 years and is earning above the cut off point I cannot draw a pension.
    Yet a pollie on his pension his/her partner can earn what they like plus the retired pollie can get another job and still get their pension AFAIK.
    The only Prime Minister who was outside the box was Paul Keating he told them to shove their pension up their rusty bullet hole.

    But these new F/A Act & Regulations for us here in Western Australia is a concerted effort by 3 individuals to wrest our firearms completely off us as did Hitler to his public.
    Last edited by CINDERS; 01-12-2025 at 10:23 AM. Reason: gramma

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  13. #6
    Contributing Member Aragorn243's Avatar
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    I feel for you.

    I just read yesterday that there are some politicians in the US that are seeking to abolish the ATF and the 1938 gun law. Probably won't happen but what will likely happen is tighter controls on the ATF. They have lost multiple lawsuits in the Supreme Court recently. Overturning of the short barrel regulations would be a huge thing for me. I have two items that I'm basically doing nothing with because of that. A Finnishicon Soumi which is just short and a PPS43 which is classified as a pistol because the stock is welded in the folded position.

    This law is just plain stupid. The Soumi sits without a barrel and is inoperable all because of a $200 tax stamp needed under the regulations. The PPS43 is fully functional other than the stock. Then there are the wood stocks for things like 45's, lugers and C96's. These are in a grey area that makes them appear to be legal but if you get the wrong prosecutor, who knows. I keep waiting because they keep talking about it but nothings been done yet. The most recent lawsuit dealt with pistol braces which are technically the same thing as a stock turning pistols into short barreled rifles and that was thrown out.

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  15. #7
    Legacy Member MSW2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aragorn243 View Post
    I feel for you.

    I just read yesterday that there are some politicians in the US that are seeking to abolish the ATF and the 1938 gun law. Probably won't happen but what will likely happen is tighter controls on the ATF. They have lost multiple lawsuits in the Supreme Court recently. Overturning of the short barrel regulations would be a huge thing for me. I have two items that I'm basically doing nothing with because of that. A Finnishicon Soumi which is just short and a PPS43 which is classified as a pistol because the stock is welded in the folded position.

    This law is just plain stupid. The Soumi sits without a barrel and is inoperable all because of a $200 tax stamp needed under the regulations. The PPS43 is fully functional other than the stock. Then there are the wood stocks for things like 45's, lugers and C96's. These are in a grey area that makes them appear to be legal but if you get the wrong prosecutor, who knows. I keep waiting because they keep talking about it but nothings been done yet. The most recent lawsuit dealt with pistol braces which are technically the same thing as a stock turning pistols into short barreled rifles and that was thrown out.
    Brandon Herrera for ATF Director. That is what you need for a start

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