Well we all know that the Mk VII projie is not available unless from pulled bullets but then the rounds are collectable now for some of us. Anyway the problem was getting the dope of new trajectories factored into my No.32 Mk III so I am at least on paper. (PL advised a course of action thanks Peter)
I use the same charge for the new 174gn Bullet factory (just out now) and the 174 Sierras so I wanted to see how much they differed in the rifle and to get a rough drop chart.
It seemed to print @100 yds higher than dialed so thats pretty good even though it is the Mk VII chart I am confident the first round will be on the paper and I will go from there.
(See att pics)

As far as the new projie goes I am pretty happy so far with its performance I set the Ogive to the same distance as the MK VII ball round it fits in the mag with room to spare.
Our club has a shoot on Nov 26th against the SASR on their range we have beaten them before just once and I was in that 5 man team but heck it was a near thing.(Will report on performance of the new projectile)
We all use as supplied 303's, T's then a last shoot of the day what you reckon will beat them, of course they use their current sniper rifles and really pants us
But we will see on the day.