Forum listing of member ads looking to sell, buy or trade for specific military surplus firearms and accessories.
We understand you may be impatient to get on with placing your advertisement, but we would ask that you please read this post carefully, in order to...
I'm looking to buy preferably complete outfits, but might buy partials if it's something I can feel confident I'll get the rest later. We shoot a...
Putting one of my 5 round mags up for sale - only for sale in the US. Follower marked 4-5. Has some slight pitting but not deep. $150 shipping in...
Looking for some of the above. Please text 321 578 2110 or respond to this post. Thanks.
NOS box of 50 Lake City. $95. Pictures at Shipped to states that allow
Looking for a 308 barrel for a no 4 Enfield. Or somewhere I could get one made. Thanks.
Preferably as original as possible. Been looking for one for several years, let me know if you've got one! Thanks for your time
I know it's a long shot but if anyone has a Robert Spielauer High Turrent mount set or BNZ Single Claw mount set they are willing to part with it...
Looking for any related sight and scope/ bracket parts for the M/59F1 Sniper Rifle, (I'm based in UK)
Hello, I have a few No.4 rifle parts that I would like to sell, as well as a magazine, that I believe is for a No.1 Mk.3, but please correct me if I...
On the hunt for a Latvian Lee-Enfield. Happy to pay a premium price for one of these rare birds if you have one!
Hi all, need pretty much everything to restore my Lithgow interwar No1 back to original configuration, such as; Queensland Maple stock set (original...
I am actually looking just for the metal end cap for a project and don’t want to destroy a good one! Thanks
Got this in a package deal. Once common, less so now. Not the finest example of the machinist's art, but could turn a paper weight into a shooter....
I won this lot of books at auction but I have no need for them. 300$ inc shipping for the lot.
Have Madsen M47 parts for sale or trade. Sorry, handguard is gone. What to you have to trade? Thanks.
Sante Fe 5-round magazine for the No.I Mk1II Lee Enfield rifle in .303 British caliber only; will not work on No.4 / 5 rifles. Marked IMKIII on...
Looking for a replacement .303 Lewis rear sight leaf and a rear AA sight. Thanks!
I am looking for an East German handguard retainer.
This girl popped up and I grabbed it for the group. Anyone with a Trials T with a missing or wrong backsight? Drop me a note and we can work...
I’m looking for two really nice 1915 or 1916 Enfield manufactured No.1 MkIII rifles (preferably no *) that are in great shape with excellent bores...
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