Forum for discussions about the M1903/1903A3/A4 Springfield Rifle
(I don't know if I ran this on the old CSP forum or not. In view of the fact that there has been a lot of discussion about posting pictures, I...
To start the whole story, I took off all W&S Musket Sights from the rifles I have them with, I took all of the spare ones I had around (including the...
The question of what the original parts and finish of a Remington 1903A3 comes up very often, as most 1903A3's were refinished during arsenal...
Here is the little write up on the Mauser patents. The original article from The 1915 Outers publication was posted by Michael Petrov on the old CSP...
An interesting video for Springfield collectors ... :thup:
United States Rifle, Cal .30, Model 1903 Manual Washington Printing Office Pamphlet No. 1923 Revised October 17th, 1911 Format: 72 pages with two...
TM 9-1270 U.S. Rifles, Cal .30, M1903, M1903A1, M1903A3, M1903A4 Sniper Ordnance Maintenance Manual War Department Format: 116 pages with multiple...
M1903 - Individual Instruction in Rifle Practice (A.E.F No. 1418 G-5) (1918) Author: Colonel A.J. Macnab Jr (United States Army) Reprinted November...
M1903 Private's Manual (1918) Author: Colonel Jas. A. Moss (United States Army) Format: 43 pages Note: After you click on images to ENLARGE...
Caveat: The Oldguns table does have some problems with the production dates for Remington M1903 and M1903A3 rifles. M1903s are listed as ALL...
Fundamentals of Small Arms Weapons (WWII U.S. Training Films) These combined videos demonstrate the mechanics of pistols, rifles and machine guns....
TM-43-0001-27 - Army Ammunition Data Sheets (1994) DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT: Approved for public release: distribution is unlimited....
TM9-270 U.S. RIFLE, CAL. .30, M1903A4 (SNIPER'S) CHARACTERISTICS AND OPERATION Published by War Department (Sept 28, 1943 - 30 Pages) ...
Infantry Weapons and their Effects (WWII U.S. Training Film) "Infantry Weapons and Their Effects" is an official WWII era training film which...
Small Arms Instructors Manual (1918) Compiled by the Small Arms Instruction Corps Format: 234 pages - E.P. Dutton @ Company, New York (1918) ...
United States Rifles and Machine Guns (1917) Authors: Fred H. Colvin and Ethan Viall Associate Editors American Machinist Members Society American...
Extracted from "United States - Milsurp Knowledge Library" Red Star Remington Model 1903's (Click PIC to Enlarge)(Click PIC to Enlarge) ...
Victory Is Our Business (1942) A patriotic motivational film for World War II industrial workers film, located with thanks to member "PBI". It...
Basic Manual of Military Small Arms by W.H.B. Smith (Expired Copyright 1943) Observations: by Badger How to load, operate, disassemble,...
Springfield 03A3 Rear Sight Removal and Replacement by "Bob S" Note: After you click on images to ENLARGE them, you may find they...
640 Yard Shooting (1943 1903a3 Rifle) (Videos by YouTube member Ernest "mag30th") Ernest "mag30th" kindly gave us permission to put his two...
My apologies for the delay in giving everyone a thorough update, but I was up and down almost 36 hours addressing the outage, and I needed some...
The following tutorial was created for the benefit of our members by Milsurps Moderator Harlan (deceased). On behalf of all of our membership, I'd...
Hello folks … :) I'd like to remind everyone to re-read our Forum Rules & Site User Agreement (click here), particularly the section which covers...
Why have a separate Social Groups area? Over the last 10 years, we’ve received many requests to permit broader public discussions amongst members,...
There are some members who seem to experience site time-outs, or other problems when uploading pics as attachments to their threads and posts. It...
Other than someone who fails to say thank you when they get an answer to a question they’ve posted, I don’t think there’s anything more frustrating...
<center><img src="images/advisory_panel_reviewed_medium.png" alt="This item has been reviewed by members of the Milsurps Advisory Panel."><img...
Today’s Internet exposes computer users and the web sites they access, to a wide range of malicious pieces of infectious software code, designed to...
We understand you may be impatient to get on with placing your advertisement, but we would ask that you please read this post carefully, in order to...
Answer: For your own protection and to help preserve them for future research by all members ... :thup: The reason we capture and store all...
The following tutorial was created for the benefit of our members by Milsurps Moderator cafdfw (Harlan). On behalf of all of our membership, I'd...
The answer is YES … :beerchug: With the evolution of technology, many of our very active members want to keep current viewing our forums using...
A lot of members don't realize that our site supports multiple interfaces, often referred to as Forum Skins. Fundamentally, there are three...
Here comes yet another, hopefully not stupid or unclear question. Are there any hollow or soft point M2 Ball spec ammo available in the market? ...
hello, Please, how many inches is your A4 body bolt ? Thanks
Picked this up from an auction house on Friday, still needs a good clean but most of the grime has been removed, its definitely been in storage at...
OK, another potentially stoopid question to the MilSurps community. What is the correct mount hole distance of the O & E barrel Block? I have a...
Hi there, This is my first post. I'll try not to make this too long-winded, just some of the backstory as I know it, and thought maybe some of you...
A FEW QUESTIONS: WWI USMC Telescopic Rifle Model of 1917 - I have acquired what I believe to be a WWI USMC Telescopic Rifle Model of 1917 (1903...
Does anyone know what happened to SRS? I haven't received any Martial Arms Collector Magazines since April. I've emailed the editor and Wayne but...
Is there a method to Black the welded area of a parkerized receiver? Cold blueing has no effect on this surface. It stays in the white.
Win A5 or Lyman 5A Objective Lens Does anyone knoe where I can find an correct objective lens for a Win A5 or Lyman 5A rifle scope. The Lyman 5A...
Help! I put together a rather long post a week ago, and was notified that it was waiting for moderator approval. Okay, first post, reasonable delay...
I am trying to find out which type "C" stock I have as I read that there were several types. There is no cartouches or a "P" on the pistol grip...
I bought a Springfield 1903 last weekend at a gunshow , it’s finish has been parkerized, barrel SA/42, serial number in the 994,000 area, it has a C...
Hello all. Hoping someone can assist me with decoding one of the markings on a newly acquired 1903 Springfield . Based on the serial number, I...
efore the Rumors fly, as of January 1st 2025, i will be shutting down my gunsmithing business Warpath Vintage LLC, as some of you know, my Wife...
Knowledgeable 1903 Friends.....Esp John Beard, I have an M1903A1NM rifle that is SRS documented. It has all the NM features. One thing is does...
This stock came from the CMP north from one of the veteran groups (VFW, Amer Legion etc) and shows the front end modification to relocate the front...
My RIA 1903 s/n 151357 built in 1908, I think, came to me in a trade back in 1982 and sat on the shelf until recently when I obtained a go/no-go...
I have my father's very finely sporterized RIA s/n 344453 which may have been built in 1919. The ramp front sight covers any barrel marking. A...
I have a RIA 1903 #389,XXX with a 4-27 Springfield barrel. Is my rifle likely one of the RIA finished receivers sent to Springfield to be built into...
I recently pickup two M1903 Springfields M1903 Mark I 1124249 M1903A1 1499989 Any info would be very helpful, Thanks for looking
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