Forum for discussions about military shotguns
Fundamentals of Small Arms Weapons (WWII U.S. Training Films) These combined videos demonstrate the mechanics of pistols, rifles and machine guns....
TM-43-0001-27 - Army Ammunition Data Sheets (1994) DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT: Approved for public release: distribution is unlimited....
Shotgun Ammunition: 'Rounds of Authority' (1997) (AVA20354VNB1 - 1997) Federal Law Enforcement Training Center This video addresses...
My apologies for the delay in giving everyone a thorough update, but I was up and down almost 36 hours addressing the outage, and I needed some...
The following tutorial was created for the benefit of our members by Milsurps Moderator Harlan (deceased). On behalf of all of our membership, I'd...
Hello folks … :) I'd like to remind everyone to re-read our Forum Rules & Site User Agreement (click here), particularly the section which covers...
Why have a separate Social Groups area? Over the last 10 years, we’ve received many requests to permit broader public discussions amongst members,...
There are some members who seem to experience site time-outs, or other problems when uploading pics as attachments to their threads and posts. It...
Other than someone who fails to say thank you when they get an answer to a question they’ve posted, I don’t think there’s anything more frustrating...
<center><img src="images/advisory_panel_reviewed_medium.png" alt="This item has been reviewed by members of the Milsurps Advisory Panel."><img...
Today’s Internet exposes computer users and the web sites they access, to a wide range of malicious pieces of infectious software code, designed to...
We understand you may be impatient to get on with placing your advertisement, but we would ask that you please read this post carefully, in order to...
Answer: For your own protection and to help preserve them for future research by all members ... :thup: The reason we capture and store all...
The following tutorial was created for the benefit of our members by Milsurps Moderator cafdfw (Harlan). On behalf of all of our membership, I'd...
The answer is YES … :beerchug: With the evolution of technology, many of our very active members want to keep current viewing our forums using...
A lot of members don't realize that our site supports multiple interfaces, often referred to as Forum Skins. Fundamentally, there are three...
Helping a friend to find value of a Stevens 530-30 riot gun . Was bought by grand dad 50+ years ago at CMP . Barrel has been shortened to 18 1/2"...
Can anyone post a picture of the markings on a 1942 riot Ithaca 37. I’m thinking about buying one and would like to see what the markings look like...
So, I got my unfinished walnut in the mail today. 18 ring 97 slide handle - spot on and will work just peachy. 1897 butt. fit up is good, with...
Wanting to confirm if the Canadian issue Remington 870 had government issue stamps or were unmarked. I've read conflicting information. Thanks, gerry
Here we go! Still has matching serial on the extension and original 30" full choke. 739xxx, early 1924 according to...
Anyone know if the US Trench Gun slings are necessarily longer than the rifles? I have a Model 12 (repro) with 1907 sling attached that seems pretty...
I'm a bit familiar with military shotguns, so when this one showed up in a local pawn shop...just HAD to have it ! 54,XXX serial range... CYL marked...
So, the other day I had a very large, heavy box of gun parts left on the deck of my house. Seems a guy was cleaning up his late fathers estate and...
Hello Does anyone know the dimensions of the rear band screws that hold down the top of the wood handguard on these trench guns? Thanks for...
I picked this up a couple months back listed as a "WW2 Ithaca" but it's not. The serial number puts it right in the spot for the 1967 US Trench...
Picked it up today. Here is what we have... I took the forend apart. You can see how the magazine ring portion of the extension is deformed, and...
I posted a previous thread about converting my original WWII Model 97 Riot to Trench Gun but decided against it in order to conserve it's original...
Does anyone have an ejector for a Savage 110 1st Generation for sale? Don
Hi all, I am building an 870 Mark 1 clone and was wondering if anyone knew which type of parkerizing the Mark 1 was finished in? Was it Zinc...
These are recently discovered photos of my wife's uncle Michael playing around with a friend while in-country in Vietnam circa 1967. He's holding a...
Could someone please post a picture of their Remington model 31 buttplate, preferably of a U.S. marked M31 or at least WWII era? I can't find any...
I am putting together a 1897 Winchester trench shotgun. I an awaiting the heat shied. It is coming unblued. So is there an easy way I can blue it...
I have a M12 riot gun barrel (dated "40") that I need to know what size adjusting sleeve to use. No receiver or extension with it so it may not be...
Well. I've never owned a shotgun before. Only ever fired one in non-lethal weapons training...the day after they pepper sprayed us. I was in the back...
This magazine plug was acquired several years ago with an original "W" bayonet adapter. Some of the other Winchester trench gun plugs don't...
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