MODERATORS: last sentence MIGHT have to be "altered" as you see fit.


December 4, 5h00 pm :
It barely began snowing… First time this season, my sweetie and I are sipping quietly our little cognac next to the window, looking at the falling snow flakes, clinging to the trees and covering the ground. How nice, how beautiful!

December 9 :
We are waking up with an incredibly white snow covering all the surroundings. What a fantastic sight! Each and every tree is wearing a white coat. I shovelled for the first time this year and had lots of fun. I shovelled the sidewalk and the driveway. Later the plough guy brought back the compacted snow from my street right in my driveway. He smiled at me and I waved him back. I only had to shovel it all back.

December 13 :
The sun melted almost all of the snow. Ah! I'm sure we'll get more before this wonderful winter is over.

December 14 :
We had 8 inches of snow during the night and the weather dropped to 10°. I shovelled again the driveway and the sidewalk. Soon after, the plough guy came back with "funny little game"…

December 15 :
I sold the car and bought a Blazer 4 X 4 so we could continue through the snow. I had it equipped with 4 winter tires.

December 18 :
Fell on my a** on the driveway's ice… 123,00$ to the chiro and hopefully nothing was broken… That fu***n' sky is getting cloudy again.

December 19 :
Still cold as hell (-15° this morning) , icy roads, driving impossible, I hit a ramp with my wife's car. Probably 2 000,00$ damages. She's angry as can be.

December 20 :
Another damn 14 inches of white sh** last night. Still have to shovel that today. That SOB of a plough guy came just twice today.

December 23 :
We are sure to have a white Christmas 'cause another 7 inches of white sh** fell last night and with this fu*** low temperature, it won't melt 'til August, Chri**. I dressed-up again to go out and shovel that damn white sh** again (boots, jumpsuit, scarf, jacket, ear-muffs, gloves, 3 pairs of socks, etc.) and then, I had to pee.

December 24 :
If I lay my hands on the SOB that runs the plough, I'll pull him 1 000 feet in the snow by his balls. I'm beginning to think he is hiding on the corner of the street, waiting for me to finish shovelling and come at à 100 miles an hour to throw his fu**in' white sh** in my front yard and driveway.

December 25 :
Merry Xmas tabarnak!… They say another 12 inches of this fuc**ng white sh** is coming. Anyone knows how many Jesus-Christ shovels of snow 12 inches mean? F**k Santa, he didn't shovel the ol' SOB ! The plough guy rang and asked for money for the poor. I hit him hard with my steel shovel. The doctors think he'll survive.

December 28 :
11 other inches!… I must be suffering snow blindness or I am a severe case of winter depression 'cause I'm beginning to find that my wife good looking.

December 29 :
The toilet froze and the roof began to sink. If you're going out, DON'T eat yellow the snow!!!

December 30 :
I set the house on and I'm movin' to Florida forever and y'all, Do what you wish with that white sh**!...
Warning: This is a relatively older thread
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