I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to Dennis Demille and Creedmoor Sports. http://www.creedmoorsports.com/store...php?onsaleid=7

The support of this grassroots project has grown from an idea to present one M1icon to a combat wounded veteran of OIF/OEF to a nationwide project that now, not only presents these fine historic rifles to these young men and women, but encourages them to get out and compete with the gift.

With this continued support base, we are able to take care of these warriors from Alaska, California, NH, Florida, and all parts in between. We are taking 6 recipients to Eastern games, 18 to Camp Perry, and many other matches.

Anyone that has seen the smile of a young man back on the firing line, hammering the black rings, will certainly understand what we are all about.

Last weekend, I had the pleasure of seeing a young man walk up to me and get ready to shoot his first XTC match. When I first met him a year ago, it was only six weeks earlier that he lost both his legs to an IED. To see him get out of his car, walk up to me, and shake my hand, well, I'll be honest, my day was made. Then to see him shoot a 754/14x was awesome.

Again, thanks so much.


JJ O'Shea
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