I am not sure it has a military connection, it is only a guess from the red, white and blue inlays. It appears to be old - very old. I can see no stamped writing on it anywhere. It is about 13mm. The symbol containing the inlays is a Celtic Triangle, the three suggests also the Trinity and thus perhaps a religious connection. I have researched every possibility I can think of and find nothing. I thought perhaps it was an Army of the Potomac II Corps item, but do not really think so as it is not really a trifoil. I apologize for posting here if it is inappropriate - I have tried for a while now to register at other militaria forums but every attempt at doing so only results in my inability to view the posts already on those forums, which I was able to do before I had the temerity to try to register my unworthy self. Any help or thoughts deeply appreciated.
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