If your a member of the Carbine Collectors Club you probably have seen the Outstanding article that Dan Pinto did showcasing this very early Pre-Production(?) Inland SN 270 and I thought I'd share it here on MilSurps as well due to its amazing uniqueness.
It has a number of never before seen Pre-Production parts, and other than its unmarked (production test piece?) Type 3 Hammer and its Underwood Replacement Stock that has no Ordinace acceptance cartouches or Circle P, all metal parts are from its early 1942 birth.
Whats so amazing to me is that this Inland Carbine is number 270 of the 2,625,591 Carbines that Inland made, and its Receiver was produced in the very first Month (June 1942) and its 5-42 barrel was the very first made of the 6.1 Million M1 Carbines that were made in the following 37 Months.
I'll post some of its most unique features and use some of the text that Dan authored to describe them. I encourage all to go over to the CCC Forum and see the entire article Dan did in the Newsworthy Section.
Semper Fidelis!
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