I know I've seen fake Oilers and I think there easier to spot than some M1icon Carbine parts. I purchased a small groups of parts and it had a "IN" marked Oiler. I really didn't expect what happened after the purchase. I received a email from this guy who was telling me that the Oiler in that group was fake. For what I paid it wasn't bad at all, but he said that he collects NPM's and buys donor parts until he finds Original ones and asked me if I wanted to recover some money that he would gladly purchase the Oiler and a couple of the other parts. Now I'm wondering about it since he seemed Very interested in it. I only have 4 buys on that site and I'm sure he seen that. I was hoping to get some input on this Oiler to see if it is what he said since it does look like it has been messed with or at least I've never purchased one looking like this. Thank You

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