Hmmm.........not sure of your motive here, but you happened to pick out an off-hand comment made by that poster to illustrate what can happen years down the road when a faked piece gets sold. You are also trashing the poster, who happens to have one of the largest collections in the world of Hi-Power pistols and knows more about them than most people short of JMB himself. And the "pack of raging peek-a-poos" that you're deriding have pretty conclusively proven that the object of this post has sold a pistol with a deliberately faked magazine and stock. Did he fake them? I don't know, but I would be very wary about parting with any of my funds for any of his wares. Your friend "grey blanket" has been rather well-savaged, and my take-away has been that it seems to be deserved.
But hey, other members here are free to go read the full thread concerning the "Lithuanian Hi-Power fetches handy price" thread that can be googled.