I would like an opinion on something different, that I am thinking about doing to my newest edition to the collection, my March 1943 Springfield project. Its like all new, except the receiver, so I dont mind trying to do a custom stock (Dye prject) on it all by myself.
I have never worked with birch, but have looked at some magnificent specimens online, that other people have. (Here's where I want to be different)... I have seen the birch stocks in all types of stripes, different shades of brown/red, even some nice clear poly jobs. I would like to do my own custom version of a dedication to the older vets in the USMC.
To do this, I have a clear picture in my head, to attempt to dye the stock, by using the old WW2 reversible poncho or steel pot cover cammo pattern, and most prefferably in the brown / tan tones.
I have never seen a Garandicon stock dyed like this, and I know it may be very difficult to do, but I want to try it because its different. I also really don't want it to shine like glass, I want to be able to still use tung oil on it when nedded. Does anybody know if using tung oil on a stock that has the different colors all spead around, would ever make the colors run together?
I dont want to spend days and weeks, working on it, then ruin it by letting the dye colors run together with the tung oil application.
Just looking for some input here, and this project may take a while to get off the ground. I will finally be returning to work on July the 1st, so I'll be out of town, no computer for a while. Now If I come back and see a dozen or so guys posting my idea on their stocks, that cool with me, the more the better, but I am really looking for input from anybody using tung oil, after the dye application..............May be gone a while.............HILLBILLY-06.
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