I do quite a bit of crop damage control for the local farmers and the current methods I'm using are'nt very productive. The way it works now I'm allowed to hunt from 5:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. and after 3-4 days the critters get wise and go nocturnal then I have to use a spot light to see them. This requires a spotter to run the light as it's next to impossible for the shooter to do both and at best this only works for a few nights before they wise up again and go over the hill soon as the light hits them. This just ain't cutting the mustard. So, I'm in the market for a night vision scope but I have'nt a clue about what to buy. I'm hoping theres some varmint hunters among us that can advise me on what will best meet my requirements, which are:
1. allow shots to at least 200 yds on a dark night.
2. reliably hold zero
3. stand up to the recoil of a semi-auto rifle (M1Aicon)
4. have at least 4x magnification.
5. price range of $1500, give or take.
I have no experience with night vision scopes so you're help will be greatly appreciated. VH
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