My grandmother is letting all of us grandchildren have a gun from my deceased grandfather's impressive collection. I had a great choice to choose from, there was the Britishicon .22 trainer, the .308 Winchester that I am an excellent shot with, and of course there was the gun I ultimately chose. My father is upset because he thinks it is ugly and holds no value what so ever. As soon as I held this rifle I knew it was mine, do not really know how to describe the feeling. It has an issue where if the stock is pointing down it will lose its bolt, my father has it currently because he is the one who wants first shot just in case it blows up. I am curious if anyone can give me information on it. The only numbers and info I have are:

*White letters on stock 5BN 65
*S No 4 MK1
*Stamped US Property
*Magazine is not matching numbers, but everything else appears to be
*I believe my father said the serial number was 99c8104

hopefully in the next week or so I can get over to my dad's house and take pictures. I really do not care about value due to the fact it was my grandfather's rifle. Just facts would be awesome! It is beat up looking, and like I said the bolt falls out when held in a certain position but I like Ugly Betty, my father not so much.
Warning: This is a relatively older thread
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