Because this is my first motorcycle!
Because this was the first time I was asked to join an organized ride!
Because I live so close!
Because I am a U.S. Military Vet!
& Because it was “Memorial Day” weekend!

I joined my fellow veteran co-workers on the special “Rolling Thunder” ride from the Pentagon, through the streets of Washington DC. There was an estimated 500,000 – 700,000 bikes this year. I am happy and proud to have made this journey and look forward to many more. The little Spyder fit right in with everything else and received quite a few complements. I made video recording of the trip and am in the process of editing the video clips to publish on my “Youtube” channel. I will post a link to it when I get it done and uploaded.
Linked below are three “Youtube” videos I found, that if you look close you can pick me out of the passing procession. I have noted in (x:xx / x:xx) the time stamp on the video where I can be located.

(1:30 / 3:28)

(1:16 / 1:20)

(6:10 / 11:09)
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