• 1942/43/44 RCMP No.4 Mk1* Long Branch Rifles

    1942/43/44 RCMP No.4 Mk1* Long Branch Rifles
    (Issued and marked to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police)

    (Click PIC to Enlarge)

    (Click PIC to Enlarge)

    Caliber: ....................... .303 in.
    Rifling & Twist: ............. 5 Groove, Enfield, Left Hand
    Barrel Length: .............. 25.2 in. (640mm)
    Overall Length: ............ 44.5 in. (1130mm)
    Weight: ....................... 9 lb. (4.1kg)
    Magazine Capacity: ...... 10 rounds
    Rear sight: ................... Vertical leaf aperture-battle aperture
    Foresight: .................... Blade with protecting ears
    Qty Mfg: ...................... 1,020 (1947-1966)

    Source: .... Phillips, R., & Klancher, D. (1982) Arms & Accoutrements Of The Mounted Police 1873-1973. Ontario: Museum Restoration Service.
    Source: .... Culhane, A. (no date). Canadian No 4 Mark 1 Sling information courtesy of Dennis Karpins (click here)

    Canadian Market Value Estimate: $300 - $900 Cdn

    1942/43/44 RCMP No.4 Mk1* Long Branch Rifles

    (23 picture virtual tour)

    Observations: by RNWMP
    Note: Rifles and pics provided courtesy of MILSURPS.COM member RNWMP (click here).

    Following WW2, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) adopted the No 4 Mark 1 Lee Enfield as the new service rifle. These Enfields were manufactured at Long Branch (Ontario, Canada). These rifles were equipped with standard adjustable rear sites. Some rifles were specially modified for target shooting. Usually, such rifles were carefully bedded and equipped with Parker Hale No .4 or 5C target rear sights. Some even had ball-burnished barrels. Note the "Armourer-impressed MP or M.P. stamps on left side of the receiver."

    RCMP Enfields are hard to find. I have seen them range between $300-$900.

    Collector's Comments and Feedback:

    1. In 1966, the first batch of 170 Lee Enfields were sold for $4.40 (each). In 1966, an additional 464 rifles were sold off to RCMP members at $12.00 (each). Lever Arms purchased a large amount of Enfields, which were sold to the public for $59.95. Below is a pic of an original bill of sale. Rifles that were sold to Lever Arms were purchased from Depot Division. (Crown Assets Disposal). By 1973, Lever Arms was offering them at 69.95 (each). Coincidently, all 3 of my RCMP marked Lee Enfields were part of the same batch sold off by Lever Arms 2008/02/16. .......... (Feedback by "RNWMP")

    (Click PIC to Enlarge)

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    This article was originally published in forum thread: 1942/43/44 RCMP No.4 Mk1* Long Branch Rifles started by Badger View original post
    Comments 2 Comments
    1. Seaforth72's Avatar
      This document is VERY important as a primary source document as are the secondary source reference books on RCMP weapons such as "Arms & Accoutrements of the Mounted Police 1873-1973" by Roger F. Phillips & Donald J. Klancher.

      I used to own ex-RCMP Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk. I* 18L8262 (listed in Phillips/Klancher book) which I had purchased 1978-11-03 from 20902 Sgt A. D. Brown, RCMP Armourer (retired).
      Warning: This is a relatively older thread
      This discussion is older than 360 days. Some information contained in it may no longer be current.
    1. Seaforth72's Avatar
      Phillips and Klancher stated on page 53 of their book mentioned above, referring to the Lee-Enfield No. 4 (incorrectly described as "Enfield") that "By 1962 a total of 1,019 were on charge." Unless we find out otherwise, we presume that this is the highest number on issue to the RCMP. The authors list serial numbers on pp. 192-194. The serial numbers indicate a mixture of Long Branch No. 4 Mk. I, Long Branch No. 4 Mk. I*, US Stevens-Savage No. 4 Mk. I* (four) and two from unidentified, likely British, makers. 469 rifles are listed in their book by my count. No evidence is provided as to where these serial numbers were found so it is difficult to verify most of them. That leaves 550 unaccounted for.

      Collectors are worried about forgeries as any Long Branch or Savage could be stamped with the MP logo and passed off as RCMP issue as we do not have all of the serial numbers. Therefore any RCMP issued No. 4 that can be documented should be carefully documented and the information shared for future reference. When the RCMP transferred such rifles within their system, it appears that they usually had an RCMP stores tag tied to the rifle which listed the rifle serial number, and sometimes the bolt number. Collectors are advised to keep these tags attached to the rifles (if they are present) as they are crucial evidence of the rifle having been RCMP issue. If buying such a rifle, do ask if there is a stores tag if one is not attached to the rifle. Removing the tags usually means that they will get lost, almost certainly so when you die and your collection is disposed of by your Executor.

      Here are four RCMP issue Lee-Enfields that evidence indicates are legitimate RCMP issue and are among the unlisted "450." That leaves 446 or so to locate and document.

      1. Serial number not known. The RCMP Heritage Centre (museum) at Depot in Regina has one on display which had been issued to the R.C.M. Police St. Roch, so one or more were retained by the RCMP. I do not know the serial number as it was not accessible and the label was of little use and identifies the rifle as being "1964"! [Rifle and label photographed June 2014] Other No. 4 rifles may have been retained for Remembrance Day Cenotaph duties etc. Four FN C1A1 rifles were reportedly retained for museum purposes by the RCMP, so more than one Lee-Enfield No. 4 might have been held back.

      2. 17L0879 with original stores tag listing rifle and bolt serial numbers (matching) typed on it and pencilled name of the RCMP member to whom it was sold ("HOLLAS"). [ #7. / BOLT # 17 L 0879 / RIFLE # 17 L 0879 / HOLLAS] The ownership of this rifle has been traced back through the various RCMP member owners and the original purchaser has now been found.

      3. 58L7018 with original stores tag stating [ "Rifle #4 .303" British / Ser # 58L7018 (Bolt has no X5503 on it), no / magazine on rifle. from / P/B Tofino, Ocean Falls] Note that the bolt was mismatched in RCMP service.

      4. 71L9930 with original stores tag stating basically [Rifle .303" No 4 / ____________(?) Ser # 71L9930 from P/B (?) ___________(?) Tahsis, BC / 13/__(?)/68 / brought to stores by S/Sgt. Poole. ]