(Mfg by CS. Zavody Vyrobu Zbrani Brno)
(Translation: Czechoslovakian factory for manufacture of arms Brno)

Caliber: ........................ 7.92 x 57mm (8mm Mauser)
Rifling: .......................... 4-groove, RH Twist
Barrel Length: ............... 21.50 in. (546mm)
Overall Length: ............. 41.50 in. (1054mm)
Weight: ........................ 8.9 lbs. (4.03kg)
Magazine Capacity: ....... 5 (staggered column)
Qty Mfg in 1923: ............ 130,000 (Serial numbers with 13-letter prefixes from "A" through "M")
Source: ....................... Mauser Military Rifles of the World (3rd Edition) by Robert W.D. Ball - ISBN: 0-87349-617-5
Canadian Collector Market Value Estimate: $
1923 Vz23 BRNO Mauser

(116 picture virtual tour)
Rifling: .......................... 4-groove, RH Twist
Barrel Length: ............... 21.50 in. (546mm)
Overall Length: ............. 41.50 in. (1054mm)
Weight: ........................ 8.9 lbs. (4.03kg)
Magazine Capacity: ....... 5 (staggered column)
Qty Mfg in 1923: ............ 130,000 (Serial numbers with 13-letter prefixes from "A" through "M")
Source: ....................... Mauser Military Rifles of the World (3rd Edition) by Robert W.D. Ball - ISBN: 0-87349-617-5
Canadian Collector Market Value Estimate: $
1923 Vz23 BRNO Mauser

(116 picture virtual tour)
Observations: Czech Rifles 1918-1958 (click here for complete article) .......by Dan Reynolds and Reine Smith
(Extract from Article) ...... At the close of World War One, the Imperial Austro Hungarian Empire collapsed. A state was formed out of Bohemia, Slovakia, Moravia, Ruthenia and the Sudetenland. It was dominated by the Czechs of Bohemia. Even before the Empire had formally capitulated, a small arms workshop was set up in a former Imperial Army Artillery Arsenal in Brno, which was in the middle of Moravia, to provide rifles to the new Czechoslavakia. Progress was made to the point that new Mannlicher rifles of the Imperial Model 1895 in 8x50mm were being made by 1920, 5000 being produced in 1921 and production of the Mannlicher is believed to have continued until about the summer of 1921.. This rifle bares the receiver mark CS. ST., ZBROJOVKA, BRNO, and was chosen, as many former Imperial rifles of this type were on hand and the facility was rebuilding unserviceable specimens which had been collected. This was destined to be an interim measure as it was soon decided that the best rifle for the new Czech Army was the Mauser 1898 type. The great Mauser works at Oberendorf could no longer sell military rifles or pistols to Germany or any other country as a result of Allied occupation and the peace treaty imposed by the victorious powers of WWI. The Czech government arranged to buy a complete production line for the Gew 98, parts on hand, and all work in progress. They also bought the rights to a new pistol design from Mauser which evolved into the series of service pistols used by Czechoslavakia up to WWII and were made at the CZ Strakonice Arsenal. The tooling was moved from Mauser to the arsenal works at Brno ( pronounced Bear-No ) but there were problems getting set up and into production. The Czechs thought they were getting a complete technical package, but this was not so, and it took longer than expected to get serial production underway. The first batch of Mausers was assembled using mostly German parts and may have been out of shop as early as April 1920. A modified design based on the Mauser was considered, but the Model 1922 based on the Gew 98 and using the tangent rear sight of 1916 was put into serial production in 7.92x57mm. The earlier rifles assembled from German parts had the Lange rear sight. Both varieties of GEW98 bare the receiver CS. ST. ZBROJOVKA, BRNO. VZ23 and VZ24s were later manufactured and bear the Receiver markings CS. ZAVODY, NA VYROBU ZBRANI, BRNO and CESKOLOVENSKA ZBROJOVKA BRNO..............
Collector's Comments and Feedback:
1. The Vz23 shown in the virtual photo tour has all matching components and appears to be "all original", including the special 1/4 turn only rear sling swivel. The possible exception is the front sight hood, plus the wood has been lightly sanded. I understand from another collector, that "a proper sight hood for this is nearly spot-on a 98k sight hood; the very slight differences are that the Vz is a TINY bit shorter than a 98k hood, the steel is a TINY bit thicker, plus there would be the rampant lion proof on it like the hood currently on the Vz23 displayed. The lion proof is the crux---for all intents and purposes, they are alike in every way."
Robert Ball's book also commented that "the Vz23 also featured a highly distinctive slot for the sight hood cut in its sight base. Note: the rear of the slot should be deeper than the front."(Feedback by "Badger")