(Mfg by Fémáru Fegyver és Gépgyár, Budapest)

Caliber: ....................... 7.92 x 57mmJS (8mm Mauser)
Muzzle Velocity: ........... 780 m/sec with issue JS ball cartridge
Rifling: ........................ concentric 4 groove, 1 turn in 10 in. (Right Hand Twist)
Barrel Length: ............. 23.8 in. (605 mm)
Overall Length: ............ 43.0 in. (1092 mm)
Weight: ....................... 8.6 lbs. (3.91 Kg)
Magazine capacity: ...... 5 rounds, integral charger-loaded box magazine.
Qty Mfg: ...................... 140,000; 33,003 made in 1941 (approximately).
Source: ........................ "Bolt Action Rifles" Expanded 4th Ed., by Frank de Haas and Dr. Wayne van Zwoll, pp.51-55 ; Gunboards.com reference from Hungarian military historian Lorand Dombrady re: Qty Mfg. ; Mannlicher Infantry Rifles Hungary
Canadian Collector Market Value Estimate: $
1941 Code jhv G98/40 Infantry Rifle

(74 picture virtual tour)
Muzzle Velocity: ........... 780 m/sec with issue JS ball cartridge
Rifling: ........................ concentric 4 groove, 1 turn in 10 in. (Right Hand Twist)
Barrel Length: ............. 23.8 in. (605 mm)
Overall Length: ............ 43.0 in. (1092 mm)
Weight: ....................... 8.6 lbs. (3.91 Kg)
Magazine capacity: ...... 5 rounds, integral charger-loaded box magazine.
Qty Mfg: ...................... 140,000; 33,003 made in 1941 (approximately).
Source: ........................ "Bolt Action Rifles" Expanded 4th Ed., by Frank de Haas and Dr. Wayne van Zwoll, pp.51-55 ; Gunboards.com reference from Hungarian military historian Lorand Dombrady re: Qty Mfg. ; Mannlicher Infantry Rifles Hungary
Canadian Collector Market Value Estimate: $
1941 Code jhv G98/40 Infantry Rifle

(74 picture virtual tour)
Observations: by Andy
Note: Rifle provided courtesy of MILSURPS.COM Advisory Panel member "Andy" with photo montage pictures taken by "Claven2".
The Mannlicher Gew.98/40 German Infantry Rifle was known by the Germans as the Infanterie Gewehre G98/40.
These German contract guns were made from 1941 to 1944 by Fémáru Fegyver és Gépgyár, Budapest, (German Ordnance code “jhv”), with some or all of the work possibly subcontracted to Danuvia Gépgyár, Budapest (German Ordnance code “jua”).
{Note added by Claven2: During the war, the German’s referred to Fémáru Fegyver és Gépgyár, Budapest as Metallwaren-Waffen und Maschinenfabrik, Budapest (HU). After the war, the arms maker became known commonly as “FEG”. A full list of codes, including jhv, and most WaA's can be referenced in the following Milsurps Knowledge Library entry: "Das Heereswaffenamt" (Detailed Listing of German WaA Markings and Codes)}
The Hungarian-made G98/40 is not a mauser, and shares nothing significant with the G98, rather it is a mannlicher-based receiver design patterned after the Hungarian 35M, the only firearm ever purpose-built for the 8x56R cartridge. The G98/40 was contracted as a war-expedient, to exploit the existing 35M tooling. They were issued primarily to the Luftwaffe.
Distinguishing features of the G98/40 include:
- mannlicher-based receiver design with all steel parts blued;
- two-piece bolt with detachable bolt-heads, and bolt handle positonned ahead of the receiver bridge;
- chambered in 8x57;
- two-piece stock system (similar to that found on the Lee Enfield). Early stocks were walnut, later laminate; and
- mauser sling, bayonet and staggered row magazine designs, allowing the use of the K98 sling, bayonet and stripper clips.
In 1943, the Hungarian Government, adopted a variation of the G98/40 known as the 43M, which differs slightly in sling and bayonet arrangements, but is otherwise identical to the G98/40.
Collector's Comments and Feedback:
1. Production numbers of G98/40 rifles by year, according to best available sources, are as follows:
Manufacturing data:
1941: 33000
1942: 32000
1943: 59000
1944: 14400
Total: 138400
At some point in 1943, the WaA inspection number used on these rifles switched from WaA56 to WaA173.
G98/40 infantry rifles are among the rarest Third Reich infantry rifles a collector is likely to encounter and should be recognized and purchased at any opportunity, if possible. Available numbers of examples today indicate that either very few rifles survived the war, or the countries who may still have them aren't releasing them for sale at this time.
Little more is known about the G98/40 series rifles as the region fell under the communist sphere of influence during the Cold War and much documentation was lost. Hungary's modern-day gun laws are very restrictive and civilian interest in firearms is not strongly encouraged. As such, locating material by "local experts" is difficult or even unlikely. .......... (Feedback by "Claven2")
2. It has come to the attention of the Advisory Panel that at least as early as 1943, G98/40's were serialized on the bolt root in fonts similar to the K98k with a script letter suffix. The example depicted here, rifle serial number 1a - jhv41, is not so numbered. Rather, the bolt is numbered in a "sans-serif" font without suffix on the bolt knob. Examination of the photos of this rifle will show the serial numbered parts are a mixture of serif and sans-serif numbers. None of the numbered locations readily appears to have been ground and renumbered.
Pictures have been added courtesy of the owner showing detailed photos of the bolt root area. At this time, we cannot conclude obvious scrubbing, grinding, milling, sanding, etc. on the root and the root shelf remains well defined to the eye. If the bolt has been scrubbed of another number, we can not readily discern it.
It may be possible that given the rifle's early manufacture date and serial number that the "accepted convention" for numbering had not yet been standardized when this rifle was produced. It may also be possible the bolt was an un-numbered armorer's replacement. These explanations remain conjecture.
At this time though, the collector should be aware that for the majority of G98/40 examples encountered, the bolt should be numbered at the root in a fashion reminiscent of K98k production. .......... (Feedback by "Claven2")