• WWII German Sniper Training Course (English Translation)

    WWII German Sniper Training Course (English Translation)

    This "WWII German Sniper Training Course" is an official WWII era training film which was produced by the German High Command to help field train snipers in the art of camouflage and deception. It also covers both sniper and counter sniper training and techniques. For anyone studying the history of WWII sniping, viewing this film is really enjoyable to better understand the propaganda and techniques used during that era. Note that it has been dubbed with an English translation soundtrack.

    The German Sniper Code

    1. Fight fanatically
    2. Shoot calm and contemplated, fast shots lead nowhere, concentrate on the hit
    3. Your greatest opponent is the enemy sniper, outsmart him
    4. Always only fire one shot from your position, if not you will be discovered
    5. The trench tool prolongs your life
    6. Practice in distance judging
    7. Become a master in camouflage and terrain usage
    8. Practice constantly, behind the front and in the homeland, your shooting skills
    9. Never let go of your sniper rifle
    10. Survival is ten times camouflage and one time firing
    To view this video, press the PLAY button, or any area in the centre of the video window. Note the other optional video controls also available on the control bar located underneath the video screen. You may use the PAUSE and other buttons to adjust your personal viewing preferences, or click on the video itself to stop and start playback. Make sure you turn on your speakers and set the volume appropriately.

    WWII German Sniper Training Course
    (English Translation)
    Video length = 1 hour 8 minutes
    This article was originally published in forum thread: WWII German Sniper Training Course (English Translation) started by Badger View original post