• M14 Instructional Videos (by TonyBen)

    M14 Instructional Videos (by TonyBen)

    I've created some instructional videos for our beloved M14 rifle. I will be adding more as time permits.

    Link to Tony's Main YouTube Video Page



    [quote]This is the first of a series of videos that I will be putting together to help new M14/M1A users maintain their rifles. This is the first video I have ever done so bear with us as we learn new techniques. Sorry about going crazy on the zoom feature!



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    This is my condensed version of a basic disassembly of an M14/M1A rifle. The image quality isn't as good but it should be good enough to get the job done if you are following along with your own rifle.

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    This is the M14/M1A "Tilt Test" used in troubleshooting function issues.

    This article was originally published in forum thread: M14 instructional videos started by TonyBen View original post
    Comments 4 Comments
    1. jmoore's Avatar
      Watched the Tilt Test video yesterday. Most instructive! Far easier than trying to write it out.
      Warning: This is a relatively older thread
      This discussion is older than 360 days. Some information contained in it may no longer be current.
    1. Badger's Avatar
      Great videos Tony ....

      On behalf of al the membership, I'd like to thank you for creating and posting them ...

      Looking forward to more in the future ...

      I've taken the liberty of editing your post to add the videos in-line with the thread for easy viewing by the members. I've also created it as a new article in the MKL and made the thread a "sticky" so everyone can see it as part of the more significant instructional threads that always appear at the top of forums.

    1. TonyBen's Avatar
      Thanks for the kind words gentlemen. I will be doing more this winter, so check back from time to time.

    1. savage1302's Avatar
      As the new owner of an M14, I thank you. Your videos were very informative, they answered many of the questions I had concerning my new acquisition.