With thanks to member Patt14 No2 for locating this video ... Original Forum Thread (click here)

A film highlighting the work of the Glasgow furniture-making firm of H. Morris & Co. during the Second World War, producing rifles stocks and prototype bomb casings for the "bouncing bomb". Film made c. 1942 / 1943, but not "released" until after the war. Original colour positive donated to and preserved by the Imperial War Museum. Find out more about the history of Morris Furniture on their website at Morris Furniture (click here)
Credits: This film is produced as a lasting record of the part this Glasgow firm played in the second World War.
Scottish Screen Archive - Original Video
Scottish On Screen - Original Video
Shotlist: Credits (0.08); From their peacetime production of luxury furniture, H Morris & Co embark upon a war production programme. One of their first assignments - the No 4 rifle (0.56) Planning meeting (1.14); Senior executives plan the production programme Shots of the meeting continue. Craftsmen and managers discuss methods (Neil Morris, the Director, in dark suit and glasses presides) (3.01); Not only do Messrs Morris make the finished articles, but they also design and construct the machinery necessary for their production. General views of planning meeting; a number of blue prints are laid out on the table (3.46); Designing of jigs and hods requires the greatest consideration to ensure perfection in production. Shots of draughtsmen at work (4.32); A model of the factory is utilised to plan the sequence of operations. Shots of model and lines of coloured tape being used to plan layout of machines and production lines; c/u shots models of machines are rearranged to shorten the time taken for the route, represented by the tape (6.16); Accuracy in the making of jigs and tools is vital. Shots of the manufacture of jigs; various machining processes, planing and drilling etc. (7.45); Timber being transferred to the kiln for conditioning. Men in yard stacking the timber onto bogey and pushing it into the kiln (9.01); Kiln doors are opened and the treated timber is removed. Shot of pile of barrel-shaped objects outside - prototype bomb casings for "bouncing bomb" (9.31); A bogey load of timber (9.53); Timber having passed the test is conveyed to machines for cutting into suitable blanks. Shots of sawmill (10.32); And now a series of "shots" which show the intricate machinery that produces the rifle with great precision and high speed. General views of men and women workers operating various machines along the production line, drilling and shaping timber blanks into shaped rifle stocks; c/u machine shaping four stocks at once; further views machines turning and cutting stocks (18.36) c/u plate DANGER Hold stock TIGHT when centring. Aim to insert ACCURATE. Take care stock does not drop. MIND YOUR HANDS; shots of stock undergoing further refinement (21.31); As the rifle parts assume their complete profile, further delicate operations are performed. Detail inspections and finishing touches are added by master craftsmen. Tracking shot of production line [staffed by women] (20.31); c/u router; General views of the machines, men and women on production line; c/u using jig to cut complex profile into the wood; (23.01) c/u woman rubs the stock against an abrasive belt to smooth edges; man filing stock; woman scores a semi- cylindrical piece of wood, and checks the finished piece using a metal standard joint (24.14); The metal parts are finally fixed and rivetted. Shots of same (26.05); The rifles are immersed in linseed oil baths. Woman fills tank with rifle stocks (26.49); They remain immersed for 24 hours to ensure preservation. Removing stocks. (27.34); Every part and component is tested with precision gauges by Government Inspectors. Women in production line checking size and fit against metal standard shapes (29.42) man checks stocks against a replica barrel (30.10); When you consider the perfect timbering of a modern rifle and you realise the speed of production, you appreciate the great scientific skill and mechanical ingenuity ... of Messrs H Morris & Co is now devoted again to the production of luxury furniture and architectural woodwork for home and overseas trade (30.47)
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This smaller video is just a few minutes captured from the FULL version of the video above, showing how the linseed oil was applied.
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WOOD GOES TO WAR (1942-1943)
Video length = 5 1/2 minutes
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WOOD GOES TO WAR (1942-1943)
Video length = 5 1/2 minutes