Will the parts for a govt. 1911 and a Ruger 1911 interchange? CharlieInformation
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Will the parts for a govt. 1911 and a Ruger 1911 interchange? CharlieInformation
Warning: This is a relatively older thread
This discussion is older than 360 days. Some information contained in it may no longer be current.
They're the same gun. There shouldn't even be fitting problems, it should be straight across. You shouldn't have to change anything though. The Ruger's just new.
Regards, Jim
I have a 1911 that sometimes will not hold the slide open after the last round... Put the same mags in a friends 1911 and they all worked no problem....I have a Ruger coming so I want to swap some parts looking for a solution....Thanks Charlie
Your inner nub on your slide stop is worn or the dimple the spring *** engauges is too deep. And , contrary to myth , they must be fitted. Last one I had replaced by a gunsmith took at least three , and I'm sure it was four or five , times to get right.
I've had cases of mags that worked perfectly in my gun go to a friend's gun and they wouldn't go in easily or wouldn't lock the slide back. It's usually a small thing involved though.
Regards, Jim