I hope that I am not treading on anyones toes, but I have been asked about it three times now. There is a No32 Mk1 telescope on Australianicon Ebay. The seller has ow mentioned that there is no grat and crosswire visible and the picture is cloudy. That's not a problem given the relative availability of a spare No42 for the lenses. But the lack of a grat and X-wire could spell bad, bad news because it could mean that the diahragm or graticule block is missing. If its there, but damaged, you can still usually see the broken bits of wire. To make and fit a new grat block is what we engineers call xxxxing expensive. If the cursor slide behind it is missing, and you can't tell until its stripped, that that's what we Army engineers call 'sheeeeeeesh, that's even more xxxxing expensive'

It's academic that the clicks still work. So if you are going to bid........, just bear this in mind.

Coments please
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