I know this Owner/Collector of M1icon Carbines here that is retiring and ask me if I would be interested in any parts. Well of course I was. 2 of the several parts I bought were Triggers with a Trident and the letter N. I knew it was used by NPM by the books I have. What I didn't get from the books was are these early Triggers or Rebuild Triggers (late). I seen and heard both. There is the Trident then a dot then the N and another dot in the center not on the bottom of the letters like most are. My NPM has a SN marked Trigger. Would any other persons who have or had a NPM or anybody with knowledge of this would Please share some information about this. I bought several other parts that I've been looking for quite awhile with no luck and can't believe this guy had a few all this time. TIA.

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