Quote Originally Posted by Maxwell Smart View Post
Articles were few and far between, but they did exist. I've only seen three or four about the AIA rifles in Australianicon magazines.
That was sort of my point - you'd think the shooting/hunting/outdoor mags would have been all over an Australian arms-maker producing a .308 Lee-Enfield again, but no-one really seemed to know much about AIA or the guns and AIA didn't seem to be doing much to change that. There's always interest in Australian gunmakers; look at the coverage Lithgow are getting with their Crossover rifles.

I've always thought it's a shame Australia's arms indstury post-war can't seem to get itself sorted out. Take the Model 1887 lever-action shotgun debacle; pretty much even as the ink was drying on the 1997 arms law changes ADI were supposed to be working on a prototype Model 1887 shotgun with full production expected shortly afterwards. I know they made some of the prototypes - I've seen at least one in a museum - but despite having the demonstrated means to do it, the demand, and the potential for huge amounts of effectively free money, it all just fell over with no-one really sure exactly what happened. It wasn't until 10 years later when IAC/Norinco shotguns started appearing on the market here - and were selling out pretty much as quickly as they could be imported.