There is no way to know the exact condition of the M1icon's until they have been procured by some large scale purchaser who brings them ashore, unpacks and grades these rifles.

The Big 5 stuff was Central American and had been in a tropical climate for decades with minimal maintenance, repair or concern. ROK is a cooler, drier climate much like the Midwest or Northeast (didn't say it was dry) and, in fact, much of the ROK is actually more like Japanicon. While it is impossible to say how much wear will be evident, it is safe to say it might be less extreme wear than a tropical climate like Central America where daily rainfall would punish metal to the extreme and rot wood stocks pretty quickly.

If there are sealed cans, these may well be excellent rifles that have survived in much the same condition as they left the U.S. in the early 1950's, depending on how lubricants used to store them have done over the decades.

So, let's not call them junk just yet.