On the subject of quick double-shots again. I recall that In Malaya on pre-ops training for Vietnam, the shooting training included a 'watch and shoot' detail where you'd run down into the next fire-tranch and wait for the two figure 11 targets to appear at very irregular intervals. Then you had to shoot three rounds. Two at one target and the third at the other target. The butt crews would watch the bank to make sure that you didn't fire three at the left target at the first exposure and then three at the right and so on. You HAD to switch targets...., two-one....one-two and so on. Believe me, that got you used to snap shoot AND change aim. I used to dread the '....WATCH AND SHOOT....., WATCH AND SHOOT....' fire order but when you and your nasho mates are all just twenty years old, who cares! Later we were shooting at dusk/dark using the hythe type sights with trilux/radium blade inserts.

Anyone remember these night shoots? Were you doing them Muffer? Someone must have hit the targets occasionally........ but not often! Bullets were going everywhere. Good job there was only inpenetrable jungle for 10 miles past the butts!