Hey guys,

Emailed the seller today to ask if he shipped yet. Got no reply but...when I got home from work today the package from him was lying on my bed. Opened it up and there was no damage from the U.S. post office.

The pair are spot on as described and photographed by the seller, no nasty surprises.

The Remington bayonet dated 1913, 9 17, properly has the Britishicon inspection marks slashed and a U.S. stamped underneath. Scabbard leather is stamped GK with inspector markings.

Everything is right, though there is some rust. These two have never been refinished and are completely original. The blade is unsharpened, perfect point, no rust but is stained. Will not try to clean it, real fine.

Showed it to my daughter and told her the history behind both pieces. She get's jazzed by history, and was impressed by the seventeen inch blade. So was I. A Japaneseicon Katana is only ten inches longer and a Roman Gladius is maybe the same length as a '17 bayonet, both stabbing weapons.

Leather is really nice, just a couple minor scratches and lots'a green paint. Supple and not a stitch missing.

Grips are very good and came off with a little careful manipulation. Did no harm. Guarantee tonight is the first time they have ever been off. Little tricky that process. The nuts are not swedged into the wood, they float. Swabbed them only on the outside with lemon oil. No cracks and just a couple minor dinks.

All of the metal is currently enjoying a heavy swabbing of Break Free. That probably will not be enough. First step after the soak will be to scrub with a Kleen-Bore nylon brush. After that might go with four ought steel wool and oil. Any thoughts about that? Will go easy as there is as much dark blue as rust.

Will post before during and after photos when the project is done. Man...needed a project.

Looked a long time for the right set for the right price and am very happy with the pair...if ya' wonderin', gave one twenty five...shipping included. Came from Pensacola, Fla. Maybe they spent time on base there.

Death to tyrants,

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