(Edged Weapons Forum)
12-22-2006 07:49 PM
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I shoot alot of the 8X57 and 7.62x54 because it's cheap, or it was. I don't reload as much as I used to since I stock piled some of the surplus. I've noticed the 8mm ammo is drying up now and when you do find it the price has really gone up.
Have a Merry Christmas.
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Well from my experience, milsurp ammo is good for taking friends out to the range or going to shoot with the wife.
I want to consitantly hit something, I use my re-loads.
I have some (a select few) brands of different surplus ammo, that I have bought a case or two of that work really well.
For me, the Korean 30:06 and Romanian (?) 7.62x54R copper washed ammo shoots good, (4 inch and 6 inch groups repectively).
I have other milsurp stuff that shoots good but you always get a few flyers...
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Yugo surplus 8mm does real well in my 24/47. The year doesn't seem to matter much. Hungarian yellow tip does real good in my M-39. I can't complain about the South African 7.62 X 51 in my Enfield. But the rest are somewhat hit and miss. I've got other ammo from at least a half dozen countries that I am still working with and hope to find rifles that like them too. Some rifles just don't like anything you feed them though.