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Thread: USN MK2 Machete

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    Contributing Member Aragorn243's Avatar
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    USN MK2 Machete

    My wife wanted to go yard saleing today and inspired me to go along with "maybe you'll find a bayonet". I did find two last year but today we had no luck. I was driving home past a local antique "mall" that had a sale sign out front so we stopped in there.

    They were still trying to sell the Yugoicon bayonet as a genuine Germanicon WWII bayonet for $60 frim so I passed on that one. I had told them it wasn't German the last time we were in there.

    Anyway, I spotted a USN MK2 machete in there and asked to look at it. No sheath and the blade is a bit on the rough side. Handle looks good but when you look at it from the top or bottom there is some separation between the metal and the grips. The "sale" price is about $44.00 and I have no idea if this is a good price or not, I tried the usual searches and didn't have much luck. Those I did find were in very good condition with sheaths and priced considerably higher than this.

    It isn't in such bad shape I wouldn't mind adding it to my collection but I don't want to pay $44 for a $15 machete if you get my drift.

    Any advice would be appreciated. It did appear to be dated 1944 but the stampings were a bit on the faint side.
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    Sounds to expensive for something you need to make excuses for. Don't know if link to an item on another forum is permitted here. If not, please delete. Take a look at this machete and sheath. WTS: Collins Machete and Sheath

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    Lightbulb I have several;

    Forty-four is a bit high. I have several of the MK2 made by Collins. I have one True Temper and one Robeson Shuredge, both MK2. All my Collins and the Suredge are longer version being 22 to 23 inches. I have the leather Milwaukee Saddlery scabbards for each one. The True Temper is the shorter 18 inch version and came with a ratty canvas scabbard. They make repros of the canvas ones and I may get one at $14 plus. The leather scabbards were all made for the long machetes.

    The Robeson-Shuredge is a very heavy blade compared to the others and very hard to find. They bring a high price too. The ones I've seen all have wooden handles painted halfway up on the handle. These were as I have researched used mostly on aircraft for emergency use. Here is a link with limited info on the machete. MILITARY MACHETES

    I paid less the twenty for mine except the Shuredge which was around forty. It's been a while.

  6. #4
    Contributing Member Aragorn243's Avatar
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    Thanks for the link. They put their things on sale periodically so I'll keep an eye on it. I looked it over again and decided for the price they want right now, it's too much for the condition it's in. They had it at $38 at the last sale. I'd pay that much for one it better shape and I think I'll just wait until I can find one.

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