Question for the hive: I know the Korean 15 round mags work as well as the USGI ones, but has anyone had any experience with the Korean "UU" 30 rounders? I picked some up during Comiefornia "Freedom Week" but haven't tried them. What luck have you had with them. GI ones are stupid expensive ($70 and up). I have a dozen USGI 15s and four GI 30s (with new USGI springs I picked up from Chestnut Ridge Supply a few years back). but wanted a couple more 30s just to have on hand.

When using my carbine as a Home defensive Carbine, I usually have a GI 15 or 30 in the weapon, and a Type I pouch on the stock with 2x 15s. That's how I carried it as a Patrol Carbine when I was an LEO.
Warning: This is a relatively older thread
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