I have a question for those more knowledgeable than myself regarding long range shooting.
Regarding the Canadianicon sniper that is reported to have killed an Islamic State fighter at a distance of 3.5 kms, using a McMillan TAC50.
Would you actually be able to see the target in the scope? Due to the amount of bullet drop; would the target not be off the field of vision in the scope?

Reading Craig Harrisons account of his 2.4 km kill shot, he explains that the target was on the absolute limit of his scope visual. I realise that he was not using the same equipment.
But add 1 km to that; plus the details reported for the canadian shot are a bit sketchy due to operational secrecy. If the bullet is nearly 10 seconds in flight. How do we know someone else didn't shoot the guy closer up?

I have no doubt about the ability and dedication of the Canaduian Snipers; but I would just like to understand the mathematics of the shot.
Warning: This is a relatively older thread
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