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out classed
hey friends,
took a m1 and a 1903a3 with surplus ammo to qualify for a 1000 yard range.
about 15 members wanting to qual.
the rifle rack was filled with high end guns.
i wasnt able to shoot because i couldnt answer technical questions.
i stuck around and watched a few shooters.
i kid you not...one guy had the muzzle break fly off on the first shot, and his scope cut him, he took it like a man and left.
i was seeing this one shooter, had every thing..1 eyed glasses everything.
you had to pass a zeroed at 100 yards , before you move to the 2nd stage,
on the 2nd stage, you had to hit a 10inch
plate, 3 out of 5 rds at 400 yards , then move to the 600 stage.
he fired over 20 rds and no hits....at 400yards
now it was windy, but you had a spotter
what i got from this was, i am out classed, i am a dumb *** and money dont make you a good shot
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05-05-2024 04:47 AM
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What were the technical questions per say !
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Here in Texas there are two simple restrictions when target shooting: No shooting within city limits unless you have an approved indoor range and the bullets have to stay on your property. It's the latter that drives rifle ranges to insist that shooters display both knowledge and ability about their rifle/cartridge combination at most Texas long distance ranges. Unless you're somewhere like buying lakefront property chunks of land aren't long and thin they're square and a section of land is very expensive....almost as much as a lawsuit.
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the tech questions were about bullet weights, drops and pressures and speeds.
i would of had to get both rifles have the rifles chrongraphed also, they did offer to assist me with that thou, good guys all in all
other was wind sock values...whats a minute , or a mill...stuff like that.
funny...that 1903a3 has a m82 scope with the single post....
and on the garand, the front site post blade covers the plate at 600 yards no way i would have qualified.
out classed out smarted and out gunned...lol
Thank You to hardcore For This Useful Post:
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Your M1 has the easiest time of being in the vicinity of the target on the first shot than all of theirs. The math is already done and calibrated onto the rear sight. Use similar to as-issued ammo, and dial it to the 10 on the sight. With match ammo, you'll find it closer to 800-900 on the setting. In any case, you should have a normal sight picture with your target above the post.
For the M1903A3, when I shoot at the big 960-yd plate on one of our local ranges, I put the sight on 650 and then ignore the front sight blade, and just use the front sight base as the front sight itself. Same at the 1100-yd target. I use the max'd out setting of 800 and the front sight base instead of blade.
Now, wind is another story.
Last edited by MAC702; 05-05-2024 at 05:17 PM.
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It was half similar at CMP range at Talladega, only without the interrogation. The reason is they have acoustic targets and want to protect the equipment, so you have to show you can hold a group at one yardage before moving to the next.
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So I guess Brian Litz would just make it into that club, that is pretty hardcore as even with load data it can only surmise what chamber pressure will be as hot ambient temperatures or cooking a round in a hot chamber can push pressures up, along with compressed loading and magnum primers but we all know roughly what our loads are doing.
Some loading manuals do give ball park figures on CUP's or PSI chamber pressure V's load used.
I've never heard of someone being excluded from shooting because of this I mean as stated above use a higher value sight setting and put the gong sitting on top of the sight blade windage you can dope out using the edges of the sight blade.
They may be nice but they certainly are not going to get dedicated members, as a club like that sounds like every ones load is even more secretive than the Coke a Cola recipe.
Our club is very grass roots and helps newbies out by assigning a person to them to show them the ropes once they get the gist of things and proven to be safe in range practices then they are let go to shoot by themselves but only after a qualifying period and sanctioned by the committee to become a member.
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