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Thread: British Cavalry WWI horseshoe pouch?

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  1. #11
    Contributing Member Sapper740's Avatar
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    Interesting aside, one of my ancestors was a farrier with the Union Army during the Civil War. He served with Co. G of the 1st Indiana Cavalry and was wounded at the Battle of Pine Bluff. He lived to the ripe old age of 77 working as a farrier and ordained minister.

    George Gottlieb Heuring (1837-1915) - Find a Grave Memorial

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    A Collector's View - The SMLE Short Magazine Lee Enfield 1903-1989. It is 300 8.5x11 inch pages with 1,000+ photo’s, most in color, and each book is serial-numbered.  Covering the SMLE from 1903 to the end of production in India in 1989 it looks at how each model differs and manufacturer differences from a collecting point of view along with the major accessories that could be attached to the rifle. For the record this is not a moneymaker, I hope just to break even, eventually, at $80/book plus shipping.  In the USA shipping is $5.00 for media mail.  I will accept PayPal, Zelle, MO and good old checks (and cash if you want to stop by for a tour!).  CLICK BANNER to send me a PM for International pricing and shipping. Manufacturer of various vintage rifle scopes for the 1903 such as our M73G4 (reproduction of the Weaver 330C) and Malcolm 8X Gen II (Unertl reproduction). Several of our scopes are used in the CMP Vintage Sniper competition on top of 1903 rifles. Brian Dick ... BDL Ltd. - Specializing in British and Commonwealth weapons Specializing in premium ammunition and reloading components. Your source for the finest in High Power Competition Gear. Here at T-bones Shipwrighting we specialise in vintage service rifle: re-barrelling, bedding, repairs, modifications and accurizing. We also provide importation services for firearms, parts and weapons, for both private or commercial businesses.

  4. #12
    Legacy Member hjohnso4's Avatar
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    And here the Germanicon farrier's tools circa 1942.

    Rare unissued farrier’s tool kit,*«*1942*»

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    Legacy Member oldfoneguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sapper740 View Post
    Interesting aside, one of my ancestors was a farrier with the Union Army during the Civil War. He served with Co. G of the 1st Indiana Cavalry and was wounded at the Battle of Pine Bluff. He lived to the ripe old age of 77 working as a farrier and ordained minister.

    George Gottlieb Heuring (1837-1915) - Find a Grave Memorial
    Interestingly my brother in laws great x 4 grandfather was killed at Marks Mills. They were Iowa volunteers guarding a wagon train sent from Camden to Pine Bluff to resupply and reenforce. Unfortunately their commander wasn't the swiftist. After repelling several skirmishs he allowed them to be boxed into a valley and the entire command was either captured or killed including all the wagons and supplies. They were about half way to Pine Bluff when attacked.

    My brother in law has the military death certificate and copies of the widows pension and pension of minor children paperwork filled out in 1866 for his great x 4 grandmother and great x 3 grandfather, aunt and uncle.

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    Advisory Panel Surpmil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hjohnso4 View Post
    And here the German farrier's tools circa 1942.

    Rare unissued farrier’s tool kit,*«*1942*»
    And only 2250 Euros! Considering the German Army remained highly horse-drawn right to the end of WWII there must have been tens of thousands of those kits issued. I recognize the knife with the curved wooden handle and hooked blade; I've got one sitting in my misc. knives drawer in the garage. Pretty sure it's made in Germanyicon and a bit of a trick to sharpen on the hook too.
    “There are invisible rulers who control the destinies of millions. It is not generally realized to what extent the words and actions of our most influential public men are dictated by shrewd persons operating behind the scenes.”

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