(Article and pictures by rcmauser)
Note: After you click on images to ENLARGE them, you may find they automatically size smaller in your browser's window making them harder to view. The auto sizing is your browser's way of keeping images entirely within the screen size you have set. Move your mouse pointer to the bottom centre of the pic and you will see an options panel appear. There will be a small square box next to the large X, which will have a pointer arrow sticking out of it. If it's illuminated, it means the pic you're viewing can be enlarged, so click on this box and the pic will EXPAND and open to its normal size.
.................................................. ......... (Click on PIC to Enlarge) .................................................

.................................................. ......... (Laminated Stocks) .................................................. .....

.................................................. ......... (Solid Wood Stocks) .................................................. ....
Here's a pic that shows the laminations characteristics better:
Top: Erma (Erfurt) 1940 (duffel cut)
Middle: bcd 4 Gustloff-Werk
Bottom: RC (unk)with Russian Shellac
Observations: by MILSURPS.COM member "rcmauser"
German K98 Stocks and Wood Types (click here)
The pics above compare laminated and solid wood k98 stocks styles that you might find helpful.
The first four pics are of laminated stocks. Laminated stocks are made from beech wood strips that are glued together similar to the plywood manufacturing process . These examples use the red glue in between the laminations. There is a white glue variation out there, also. Not as common as the red glue. You can see laminations and how the red glue is highlighted. The dark one is wearing the russian capture shellac.
The second set of four show solid wood k98 stocks. The bottom stock is a post war solid beech wood Israeli stock... This style is sometimes confused with laminated stocks. .......... rcmauser
Collector's Comments and Feedback:
1. The secret to creating and maintaining quality research data in the Milsurps Knowledge Library is you! This is your site and these MKL entries on various old milsurps are yours to add to, or change. The volunteers on the Advisory Panel (click here) can only do so much to vet and validate the information posted here, so please contribute as much as possible to help us present the most accurate and reliable data we can gather on these old milsurps. If you own a particular specimen of any MKL entry, then please send us pics of it, even though they may be duplicate views of pieces you already see here. In that way, we can build up multiple sets of pics for several milsurps of the same model, which will help in identifying markings and authenticity. ALL pics and information received will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and respect of your privacy. Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far, which is helping to make the Milsurps Collectors Forums a prominent site for serious collectors of all genres of old milsurp collectibles. ....... (Feedback by "Badger")
Note: The opinions expressed herein or statements made in this article are solely those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Military Surplus Collectors Forums, or the ownership and moderation group of this site. MILSURPS.COM accepts no legal liability or responsibility for any claims made or opinions expressed herein. Also, please note that neither the author nor MILSURPS.COM recommends that any member of these forums, or a reader of this article, try this type of experimentation without the proper knowledge, equipment and training.