RSAF - Royal Small Arms Factory
ROF - Royal Ordnance Factory
RSAF Enfield - Royal Small Arms Factory, Enfield Lock, England
RSAF Sparkbrook - Royal Small Arms Factory, Birmingham, England
ROF Fazakerley - Royal Ordnance Factory, Liverpool, England
ROF Maltby - Royal Ordnance Factory, Rotherham, England
LSA Co. - London Small Arms, London, England
SSA - Standard Small Arms Factory, Birmingham, England
NRF - National Rifle Factory, Birmingham, England
BSA (BSA Co) - Birmingham Small Arms Company, Birmingham, England
Lithgow - Small Arms Factory, Australia
LB - Small Arms Limited, Long Branch, Ontario, Canada
SAL - Small Arms Limited, Long Branch, Ontario, Canada (pre 1946)
CAL or CA - Canadian Arsenals Limited, Long Branch, Ontario, Canada (post 1946)
Savage Stevens - Small Arms Factory, Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts, USA
RFI - Ishapore Small Arms Factory, Bengal, India
POF - Pakistan Ordnance Factory, Wah, Pakistan
MLM - Magazine Lee-Metford
MLE - Magazine Lee-Enfield
Long Lee - Since the MLM and MLE rifles are 49.5 inches long overall, they are often referred to informally as "Long Lees."
Long Toms – slang for Long Lee Enfields
LEC - Lee-Enfield Carbine
RIC - Royal Irish Constabulary
CLLM - Charger-Loading Lee-Metford
CLLE - Charger-Loading Lee-Enfield
SMLE - Short Magazine Lee-Enfield (pre 1926 designation of a No1 rifle).
Sht LE - Short Lee-Enfield
ConD - Converted
No – Number (primary designator of an arm post 1926 i.e.: Rifle, No1, No2 etc...).
Mk – Mark (designates a significant modification to an existing arm but not sufficient enough to warrant a new Number class).
* - Pronounced “star” (indicates a minor modification to an existing arm)