Here we go! Still has matching serial on the extension and original 30" full choke. 739xxx, early 1924 according to Forend was very loose and already on it's last notch. A swap of the adjusting sleeve cured that problem.
The last one I just finished was far worse off - bent and dented barrel, broken extension. This one's major defect is that it's just plain filthy. Filthiest firearm I've ever encountered (including the mosin's I've done - one that appeared straight out of the sewer and another still packed in cosmoline).
Lot's of old dried grease/oil mixed with carbon/dirt/dust/sand forming a concrete in every corner, under every spring.
The consistency of grime changes with likely exposure during storage. Areas around the bolt and front of the carrier are a loose mix of dust and grease, forming almost like a soft packed felt substance. In the rear and along the sides, its rock hard and gritty. Brake cleaner wouldn't touch it. After a soak in wd-40 followed by a brass scraper to chisel out the worst of it, then a brass brush to get the rest of major deposits, I have it all boiling in water to get the remainder - while I prep the receiver for rust bluing.
Note the deep striations in the outside receiver. I saw these in the last 97 project, although they hadn't worn as deep as this one. From my experience there, these are caused by the metallurgy of the receiver. They present a challenge in bluing to get rid of them. I'll capture this in my next post.Information
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