
I don't like what Wolf did; he set bad example, by doing just what Liberals do, letting emotion override good judgement and doing his duty. This thirteen-year old won't ever forget that.
Louis of PA

Liberals told to leave
An instructor for a hunter safety course orders Obama voters to get out of his class.

By RANDY KREHBIEL World Staff Writer
Published: 3/7/2009 2:23 AM
Last Modified: 3/7/2009 3:06 AM

Thirteen-year-old Lane Dunkley just wanted to go hunting with his grandfather.

What he got was a lecture on politics.

Dunkley and his father, Daniel Reddy, who live in Tulsa, went to Broken Arrow on Tuesday night for a hunter safety course normally required to get an Oklahoma hunting license.

The class was a reward of sorts. Dunkley, who wants to go hunting with his grandfather, was told he could take the class only if he brought up his grades.

So he did — to a B-plus average.

But when father and son arrived at the lesson, the volunteer instructor, Kell Wolf, asked if any of the students voted for President Barack Obama.

Reddy, a transplanted Californian — and former Marine — raised his hand.

According to Reddy and others in the room, Wolf called Obama "the next thing to the Antichrist" and ordered Reddy and Dunkley from the room. When Reddy refused, Wolf said he would not teach "liberals" and would cancel the course if Reddy didn't leave.

So Reddy and Dunkley left, as did a few others.

Lance Meek, hunter education coordinator for the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, said Wolf had been a volunteer instructor for "a long time, probably 15 years or more" and "from what we've heard and observed, had always done a great job. He worked with the kids really well."

But when Meek received a call Wednesday morning — from someone other than the Reddys — he said he had no choice.

"I got the call at 8:30, and by 9 o'clock (Wolf) was no longer a volunteer for us."

Contacted on Friday, Wolf had no comment on the matter. Meek said he talked briefly to Wolf on Wednesday, and that Wolf did not deny ordering Reddy from the class or offer an explanation.

Lane Dunkley said the situation made him angry.

"This was a big deal for me because my grandpa doesn't have a lot of time to hunt anymore," he said. "I rarely get to hang out with my grandfather.

"I thought I would never be able to get my license."

Stacy Reddy, Daniel Reddy's wife and Lane Dunkley's mother, said the family was surprised by how quickly the wildlife department acted.

"Lance Meek called and apologized up and down and wanted to know what they could do to make it right," she said.

"The only thing we really wanted was for my son to be able to take the hunter safety course, and there wasn't another one in the Tulsa area with an opening for the rest of 2009."

So Meek arranged for a private class

"They called and said they'd meet us any time, anywhere," said Daniel Reddy. "Their response has been exemplary. It has really restored my faith in government."

Meek and Stacy Reddy said it illustrates how difficult the ongoing changes in the federal government are for some Oklahomans.

"I realize a lot of people are unhappy right now," said Stacy Reddy, "but this was something my son worked his tail off to do."

Meek sounded grieved that a long-time volunteer with a spotless record seemed to have veered so suddenly off the tracks.

"It's a shame. What he did is definitely not all right with us," Meek said, "but his heart has been in the right place for a long, long time."


To: amigatec
I like it. Let’s see how the lefties like being scorned in public. This is a tactic they have used in schools and universities on our kids.

To: amigatec
As a firearms safety instructor and hunter, I’m not happy with what this guy did. He threw away a golden opportunity to teach and show the liberals the error of their ways with respect to hunting and gun ownership, and failed miserably.

To: beebuster2000
The instructor passed up a chance to convert some liberals;the instructor may be a former Marine but he isn't very smart.

All the instructor did is give conservatives another black eye by reinforcing liberal pundit stereotypes of conservatives. Fire him.

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