Watched a good documentary on Seattle PBS the other night about the evacuation of Saigon. Lots of heroes and heroic deeds.

Politics aside, I noted a few carbines in the footage. Saigon police outside of the US Embassy during the mayhem, carrying them on their shoulders. Also, a few shots of ARVN's with carbines, although I wasn't sure if this footage was during this time period, as I think most had M16icon's by then.

Another scene showed ARVN's arriving by a SVN Huey on a US Navy ship offshore. A sailor had disarmed them, and he is shown pitching an M16 over the side, followed by a carbine. Guess we know where that one went. The empty Huey soon followed into the drink.

Records indicate between 600,000 to 800,000 M1/M2 carbines went to SVN from the US in the 60's, and before that the Frenchicon used them in their Indo-China war. One would suspect there was some of those left behind too. Wouldn't doubt most or all of these all went into a melting furnace as scrap.
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