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Luger. Dry firing and decocking
Can you decock a P.08 (DWM, 1915)? Do you risk damage if dry fired? The gun is all matching including the firing pin. I'd hate to break it. Snap caps are always an option I guess.
Thank you,
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04-27-2010 02:32 PM
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The firing pin assembly of the P-08 is a robust affair. The pin is short and part of the spring shroud encompassing the spring and ending with the spring guide. The shroud has what effectively passes as a sear ledge. I would however use a snap cap if you are going to just watch TV and cock and dry fire. The occasional dry fire to put the firing pin at rest for storage is fine.
A snap cap with half the rim ground off and in the case of a Luger the missing part turned up will stay in the chamber and not be caught and ejected by the top extractor of the Luger. This will allow you to cock and fire with out having to chase snap caps. A cleaning rod down the bore will remove the snap cap when your finished playing.
Last edited by JBS; 04-27-2010 at 04:00 PM.
(Deceased April 21, 2018)
JBS, your comment sounds familiar. I use the same when people told me not to take my No4 Mk2's out of the "mummy wrap". ie; "Who are you saving it for?"
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Originally Posted by
Can you decock a P.08 (DWM, 1915)?
You CAN decock one quite easily with a tiny amount of practice.
FIRST- ensure the weapon is clear! Other wise the firing pin will be resting hard on the primer of a loaded round...
Just raise the knuckle until it comes to a sort of pause (the effort to continue will become greater at this point), and then pull the trigger. The whole toggle assembly will close- you don't have to hold on or anything.
The linkage is pivoted upwards roughly 30 degrees at the decock pointif I remember correctly, but it's not critical. All you are doing is taking the tension off the striker spring and bringing the f.p. to it's full fwd position.
Last edited by jmoore; 06-17-2010 at 01:43 AM.