Quote Originally Posted by Daan Kemp View Post
Probably not relevant, but interesting. Peter at our club had a Long Branch No 4 with a dull bore. Couldn't get it to shine up no matter what he did. We had a couple of boxes of 303 produced by the SA Mint in the fifties and he thought to see how fast you could put a couple hundred rounds through his LB. He and a couple of friends did just that. Called me over to listen: sounded like oil frying in a pan, couldn't touch the fore-end at all, it was that hot!

Looked through the bore, expecting to see darkness from fouling - the light almost burnt your eye out through the back of your skull, it was that bright and shiny! He never had a problem shining that bore again...
What happens is you fill the voids with copper fouling and all the shooting polishes the copper fouling.
I don't care about dullness. Ever old rifle that I have removed all the fouling from becomes dull. I figured a few "fire" lapped bullets would just knock down any rough spots a little quicker.