The news is full of articles and reasons behind Australiaicon Post's current problems.
However, I have a slightly different slant on it and lay the blame squarely at the feet of the Queenslanders.

I constantly deal in firearms, purchasing them from all OZ states, they usually arrive within the requisite timeframe, except for Queensland.

Many and varied are the excuses from these northerners, sometimes downright lies to excuse their tardiness in sending items, sometimes taking a call to QLD Licencing Branch to get the transaction into the postal system(a restricted timeframe on reporting in NSW means transactions must be completed and recorded in a set timeframe) so it can be tracked to it's destination.

My latest drama is with a Lithgow 1925, purchased it a fortnight ago, deposited with a Dealer to complete the Dealer to Dealer transfer and interstate paperwork..........and still waiting.
Now as the initial purchase needs to be recorded in 24 hours and paperwork returns to the Firearms Registry within 10 days, this deal is really stretching the limits(theres poor old Oz Post going broke because some tardy dealers can't get off their fat butts to get an item into the post)........strewth, even the West Aussies are quicker.

I have had only one long wait from NSW, but it was in the mail and tracked, the silly buggers just sent it to the wrong place, sorted within eight days and guess what? when joking with the offending Dealer as to his state of origin, he admitted to being a Queenslander
Warning: This is a relatively older thread
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