"Battleship, Cruiser, Destroyer."

ISBN 1 85648 174 3

This Book was origionally published as three seperate books. Of course it is concrentrated on the Britishicon Navy.

The book starts, in each section, before WW1 and go's to the end of WW2.

Battles, operations and the different classes of vessels are all touched on.

There are lots of photos in each section of the each book and only a few diagrams. Of intrest, the Cruiser and Destroyer books each have a detailed list of the various ships of each class and what happened to them in WW@. but not the Battleship section!

Did you know that the HMS Exeter and HMS York were the last 8" Cruiser's built by the British Navy and that bothe were sunk in the same month of WW2? March 42 and march 41 respectively!

Well worth a look.
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