Forum for general conversations about almost anything OT (off topic), from pets to sporting guns, or whatever you want ..... but NO POLITICS or RELIGION
Received an email from a member who wished to remain anonymous, but asked us to post this on-line shooting trainer …. :D ...
As time moves forward, we inevitably experience the passing of members of our own community here, as well people we've come to know within the wider...
This forum is for the community to discuss firearms interests outside of military surplus arms. So if you've been dying to show...
My apologies for the delay in giving everyone a thorough update, but I was up and down almost 36 hours addressing the outage, and I needed some...
The following tutorial was created for the benefit of our members by Milsurps Moderator Harlan (deceased). On behalf of all of our membership, I'd...
Hello folks … :) I'd like to remind everyone to re-read our Forum Rules & Site User Agreement (click here), particularly the section which covers...
Why have a separate Social Groups area? Over the last 10 years, we’ve received many requests to permit broader public discussions amongst members,...
There are some members who seem to experience site time-outs, or other problems when uploading pics as attachments to their threads and posts. It...
Other than someone who fails to say thank you when they get an answer to a question they’ve posted, I don’t think there’s anything more frustrating...
<center><img src="images/advisory_panel_reviewed_medium.png" alt="This item has been reviewed by members of the Milsurps Advisory Panel."><img...
Today’s Internet exposes computer users and the web sites they access, to a wide range of malicious pieces of infectious software code, designed to...
We understand you may be impatient to get on with placing your advertisement, but we would ask that you please read this post carefully, in order to...
Answer: For your own protection and to help preserve them for future research by all members ... :thup: The reason we capture and store all...
The following tutorial was created for the benefit of our members by Milsurps Moderator cafdfw (Harlan). On behalf of all of our membership, I'd...
The answer is YES … :beerchug: With the evolution of technology, many of our very active members want to keep current viewing our forums using...
A lot of members don't realize that our site supports multiple interfaces, often referred to as Forum Skins. Fundamentally, there are three...
Based on true facts on a WWII mission that went south and only one man survived what he endured beggars belief outstanding acting and superlative...
Getting there pretty much 90% done, rest of tools on & tow & track cables, gloss coat for decal placement, then washes/pigments finish off with a...
Starts Saturday . The wife and I are leaving tonight for our ranch . I will use a Type-99 rechambered to 31/06 with a 150 at 2940 fps . Checked the...
1 member is celebrating their birthday on 10-25-2024: -Madmatt (Age: hidden or unknown) Happy Birthday!
Here at a small town up the Mid West Carnamah (Carn-a-mar)we have a brand new exhibit that was fabricated out of steel & welded up displaying for...
I ordered a custom sporter barrel for a Remington 700 Short Action receiver I had; while I was at it, I had the company square the receiver, lap the...
Pete Rose passed away at age 83 today. Hopefully this ends his lifetime ban and he is admitted to the HOF. There is a lot of love and hate for this...
Meeting some friends for a 3 day hog hunt and long range shoot fest . Hogs at night , targets in the day . North central Texas , canyons and riverbed...
So most of you, as have I, have probably been struggling to restock our reserves of large rifle primers. I've seen my stockpile dwindle down the...
I've read a lot of books on WW II sniping and nowhere have I ever read that German snipers were issued anemometers (wind speed thingy). On top of...
Handed this Parker Hale 22/250 back in for a paltry sum the barrel had only 500 rounds through it for a cost of $1000 buy & fitted.:red...
1 member is celebrating their birthday on 10-02-2024: -RudyN (Age: hidden or unknown) Happy Birthday!
109 years ago three brothers set sail from Halifax as members of the 100th Battalion Winnipeg Grenadiers, unfortunately only one was to survive the...
Do you remember Diablo the Westie dog you went hog hunting with ? At almost 15 years old I just lost him to old age . He was a good dog . His full...
1 member is celebrating their birthday on 09-23-2024: -RBruce (born in 1943, Age: 81) Happy Birthday!
NEW Dashcam Trump Shooter, 3rd Gunman? New Sniper Vid Secret Service - YouTube
1 member is celebrating their birthday on 09-10-2024: -harry mac (Age: hidden or unknown) Happy Birthday!
1 member is celebrating their birthday on 09-11-2024: -#1oilman (Age: hidden or unknown) Happy Birthday!
Well the road has finally ended it's been nearly 2 years in the making to get my brothers awards for his service in the RAAF. Barry served from...
1 member is celebrating their birthday on 08-14-2024: -Jeremy (born in 1971, Age: 53) Happy Birthday!
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